Ugh! I got sick just reading that. Can you say control? I honestly don't know what I was thinking all those years...I was truly braindead. There is no way in hell I could ever fit back into that box!
jehovah's witness across north america are being sternly counseled at this week's service meeting that they should pack lunches during the 2004 dictrict convention instead of leaving the site to eat elsewere or return with food.
in a letter read during the announcements, members are told this is a "serious problem".
reportedly jws have been banned from some convention locations because the venues want concession stand business if jws insist on bringing carry-out meals into the facility.
Ugh! I got sick just reading that. Can you say control? I honestly don't know what I was thinking all those years...I was truly braindead. There is no way in hell I could ever fit back into that box!
for those who have been thru it (i hate the sound of the word), what is the most stressful aspect and what would you do differently?
and what did you not expect?
i would like to know as right now it has become a real possibility for me.
For those who have been thru it (I hate the sound of the word), what is the most stressful aspect and what would you do differently? And what did you not expect? I would like to know as right now it has become a real possibility for me. I come from a family background that is truly unfamiliar with it, and I would be breaking new ground as far as that is concerned.
Right now all I can think about is 1) being a failure at it, 2) the wasted years, and 3) fear of the unknown beyond it all. I wonder is it worth it to start over? But I also wonder if we can we both can afford mentally to keep living like this? Is this the point when others before me have called it quits? The person I am with is really a good person, but a real true believer in the truest sense and we are just really different people now with very different outlooks at this point in time. At this point neither of us are happy, just in a sort of no man's land. Partly because me married very young, but mostly because the JW thing makes it harder every day.
We live separate lives? she can not fathom not having me there ?taking the lead? (she?s tried with the hopes that I would come around), and I cannot stomach the thought of ever going back to that mindset. I tried visiting just to see if I could just go and hold my nose?I couldn?t wait to leave. I have nothing against any of the ?friends?, to me they really are victims of victims. I was never really treated badly by anyone and could go back tomorrow if that was the type of person I was or the type of double life I could lead? but there is no way I could squeeze into that box again even if I tried.
Any thoughts?
i believe they are "cultlike" but i don't think they are a "cult"........and you?
did our letter-writing campaign work?
here are some lovely instructions drafted by syn, and hosted by valis, on how to navigate to the site yourself..
The fact that this can be authenticated and is on the UN site is pretty big. That is really the big hurdle to any info.
I have a feeling this may flow pretty rapidly thru jw-land, they are notorious for gossip and being able to be the first to break, of course, that doesnt have the smell or trackings of apostates as the
i just stumbled across this forum today and just wanted to say big hello to everyone.. it's great to know that i am not alone in this world when it comes to leaving the so called truth.. when reading through the forum discussions, i can really relate -and that is great!.
i'm sure i'll be back here time and time again.. have a great day!.
Welcome to the board Adam. You'll find that all here can relate in some way.
up until a few years ago......every dec. km had a part encouraging everyone to go in the ministry on the day, etc.. no one ever got too excited about it in our cong. was pretty much a joke to everyone even when commenting on it during the meeting part.. that no longer seems to be the case..........haven't seen any parts like this for a few years now......i guess they've given up completely.. the meeting part usually included some "fine experiences"......but i have heard exactly the opposite from some who actually tried it one time.. have any of you ever went in service on christmas day?
LOL. Yep, I can't think of anyone who truly liked it. Well maybe there were a few who got off on proving how "zealous" they were.
I think the only thing worse as a kid was having to work your own street . . . pure torture!
he told my husband ?i don?t care, i just need to know is this the truth or not?
i just don?t understand why.
once again i was asked a question that i could not answer.
I feel for the guy too. It is a long hard road, and there is no turning back. . . not without a complete brain lock.
And yes, the phrase "crisis of conscience" will raise a definite red flag.
why the heck is prince a jehovah's witness????
just curious.. melissa
bono?...studying? that would blow me away
go, then, and learn what this means, "i want mercy, and not sacrifice.
9:13. although the pharisees claimed to believe in the writings of the hebrew .
I remember the wt study that was based on. It was one of the better articles I thought. Ironically, those kinds of articles along with the greatest man book were key in me taking the rose colors off the glasses.
franz stated something in this mind-blowing book which was definitely true for me.. he stated (this is a poor paraphrase) that very early on during a "study", witnesses can easily show what's in the bible regarding god's name, the condition of the dead, living on paradise earth, etc.
once these are proven to a person's satisfaction, when the study moves on to more complicated matters, it is just easier to accept what isn't understood on the basis that so far, everything has seemed true.
by now, there is an emotional investment -and everything up until now seemed fine, so.....................................let's swallow it all, and what is too difficult to swallow comfortably (blood?
Just about all the points have been covered, but just to add my 2c...ISOCF in my opinion is a must read for any xjw who ever considered themselves an 'all the way in, fully indoctrinated jw.' COC helped greatly in addressing the gnawing doubts I had, but could never be crystalized because I never had the info. Also helped me confirm that the org was far less than claimed.
But ISOCF was a piece by piece dismantling, that helped to address the question and doubt that lurked in the back of my mind still..."With all the mistakes/mishaps/misguided efforts, what if they still are right?" The chapter on argumentation and manipulation is a must imo for any former died in the wool exjw, regardless of what belief system a person now holds. In order to move on, it was what was needed for me as a raised in jw.
For those who choose to still follow Christianity, I believe that the view presented in ISO is a comforting one and one more in line with the spirit of Christianity.
Doctrinally, I am at peace with my current position. The only ties I have that concern me are the emotional/family that are still in.