Stories like this make me believe that the WT is mainstreaming, whether some at the top like it or not. Some may quietly be hoping and waiting for it while others grit there teeth, reluctantly tolerate it and wonder "what the hell ...?". The reason it is happening is that its mainstreaming from the bottom up, not the top down. So while the doctrines may be mainstreaming at a snails pace, the attitudes of the new JW are changing much faster. They are not buying a lot of this stuff whole hog anymore, its much more pick and chose ? belief ala carte. They love the ?built in friends?, but a lot of the crap that we put up with years ago is not flying, especially when it comes to careers and education. For a lot of the older ones, I know they cannot help but notice the change -- but they have nowhere to go they feel, don?t have the courage to leave, or use the JWs as much more of a social thing?while turning a blind eye to unmistakable changes, acting like nothing has changed and looking dumbfounded if you dare bring it up.
The JW that we know and grew up with is quickly fading. In a way that?s a good thing, maybe fewer will suffer as we did. A few strategic moves and a couple of drastic ones and the WT will be back in business again, growth-wise. I hate to say it but I think that ultimately we are going to have to get over it.
I knew someone in a very similar situation as above and gave it all up ? it was just expected and they were applauded and paraded around on the assembly circuit for it. The new JW ?aint giving it up? and they will still be a JW, no problem. The information available now, but especially the attitudes now are forcing the change. While people can still be gullible, they are a lot less compliant nowadays. All the JW of yesterday can do is shake their head. Change is coming, but maybe not from where we expect it. In a lot of ways, it is coming from the bottom up.
Axelspeed (of the Animal Farm class)