Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad. In COLLEGE.
LOL. I think we have a winner. Kudra, I cringe for you. But hey, you did get to go to college at least.
Axel - of the "many of us have been there class"
i hope all of you genx-r exjw will get a kick out of this story from my childhood.
i was just talking to jt and he says i should post it..... my daughter is studying wwi history in school.
i told her that when i was in 10th grade, i had a social studies teacher named nancy galbraith.
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad. In COLLEGE.
LOL. I think we have a winner. Kudra, I cringe for you. But hey, you did get to go to college at least.
Axel - of the "many of us have been there class"
for your viewing, uh, pleasure?
funny and sad actually. Its funny how weird it all looks to me now, even though I would have never gone to this extent even when I was in.
maybe this has already been posted or you're familiar with it but i just discovered this on itunes.
it's being sold on itunes.. the subject matter alone is enough to make you want to barf but get a load of the music and singing talent on this little gem.
a couple of the tracks landed in an imix of the worst music on itunes.
Listen to Go Ahead and Make Me Happy...guaranteed to inoculate you to anything jw related for at least a year.
it was like i had so many doors already cracked open, so to speak, but this book has thrown them right off the hinges.
i would recommend it to anyone.
it also helped me to understand james thomas' posts a lot better.
Just finished and it was a great read and eye opening. (Thanks Dave!). I am now reading Vol.lll of Masks of God - Occidental Mythology. A very interesting and enlightening Campbell read also (skipped the first 2 Vols. for a later time).
I guess I need to check out Hero of A Thousand Faces too. So much to read, so little time.
i'd say out of 10 elders, the average "sharp" ones are 2 or 3.
In my experience there is always a mixture:
Some were not so sharp, and others were very intelligent. So I dont think its so much a matter of intelligence in all cases. Even the mind of an intelligent person is capable of performing some amazing mental gymnastics in order to accomodate a desired worldview.
There are some elders who have so much invested in years, family and effort, that it would be mental suicide to allow themselves to allow that it all was a waste and a lie. They may be very intelligent, and can reason step-by-step in a line of reasoning, but as soon as there belief system is threatened from the outside or by their own thoughts the "dumb down" switch goes on. It almost a self-preservation mode. These are the ones who are the most frustrating to deal with, as it is confounding and inexplicable how intelligent people can follow a line of reasoning so well and then shift course in reasoning so abrubtly.
Others are in it for social and family reasons and fear of the outside unknown holds them in. They may be elders but are still using training wheels when dealing with anybody not a jw. These are the ones who were raised in and have grown up in the jw cocoon.
Others delude themselves into thinking they have real power. They probably are ineffectual at getting power in other areas (i.e at the job) and so use the org as an outlet to wield some untapped desire for power. And then there are others who are the ladder climbers. They like the power and enjoy the attention received from being front and center at assemblies, giving talks, and being of the prominent ones in the org and well as in their careers.
The true believer elders are among those who are more simple-minded and never really have a thought apart from what is given to them. The one issue they all have in common is dealing with reality... some choose not to ...others may not have the ability to. Some really do need the jw environment.
The elders who are not of the above, but willing to question and can reason, usually don't remain elders.
how many members of the governing body are married to women a lot younger than themselves, and how many are married to 'hot chicks'?
In the d. conventions in my area I noticed that there was no shortage of "hot chicks" in the dubs. For a male, especially one with position and who is at least tolerable in other areas, the harvest is great.
Most of these end up leaving or hooking up with someone on the outside eventually, and the rest start using the pioneer word in every other sentence...thus losing all "hot" factor appeal. Way too many issues down that road.
no dotrinal question could shake me, but it was a personal one, out in service that started my initial doubts.
a man asked me: 'are you really happy?
' i couldn't say, 'no, i'm miserable' but i thought it was a powerful question, anyone else asked something that really shook them?
I was having a discussion with a guy I worked with, and giving him the spiel about "every design has a designer" so there must be a God. I was giving the same examples I always used i.e. the watch, the house, etc. and how since humans were much more complex we most definitely had to have a designer. He then just simply asked me "So who then created God?"
I did not turn me into an atheist, but it definitely caused me pause and made me realize that my argument was not as airtight and simple as I thought and was taught. I also wondered why that simple question had never occurred to me before. I never used that illustration again, and the question stuck with me for a long time.
here is a chain email that i got that has been circulating among the jws.. you have to be kidding me right?.
fw: something to think about wow!!!!!.
this is quite interesting seeing the progression of the stone hitting the false religious babylonish image at the base.
LOL! very good JH.
I find this whole Gnostic area very interesting to say the least, and would explain a few things for me. This coupled with learning a little more about the Semitic system of mythology goes a long way in my own 'de-mystification of religion'.
btw...if anyone happened to catch the remake of the Ten Commandments (I only caught the second half), it seemed to portray the Yahweh god in a way closer aligned with the OT text...very demanding with a very short fuse. There was one scene after they defeated a rival tribe (Amalekites I believe) when they were told by Moses to kill everybody, men, women and kids. I you saw it, it spoke for itself.
Axel (of the 'excuse me for getting off topic class')