I get Simon’s point to a degree i.e. all organizations have a right to define their dress code and outline what they deem as appropriate for their organization, especially so as a religious entity.
However, we all know that this means something much more when it comes to JW control and is not just a benign directive when it comes to the culture of JWs. This is about behavior control on a disturbing level that I would go so far as to say belies a repressed and suppressed insecurity when it comes to the LBGT culture at large. Furthermore, there is nothing specific about this policy, only a nod and wink to act on what looks gay. This is very nebulous and hazy standard that will do nothing more than give license and a big stick to local elders to apply a very ambiguous standard to fit their own bents and leanings, and carry out grudges against people that may not personally like or who they perceive as not living up to their own personal standard of what manhood or womanhood means or looks like.
It is a little like the unwritten the standard I can remember from years ago that only white shirts should be worn by brothers giving talks from the platform, or that full suits and not blazers and slacks… ridiculous I know, but I do remember hearing such things when I was a kid a long time ago. Even now with the beard thing. This though smarts of something a little darker to me.