It's really none of the business of a religious body to make enforcements in those areas
AMEN!! The problem w/ the WTS is that they fail to understand that we EACH have a reckoning before God and Christ when 'our time' comes. If our conscience allows us to defraud, drink, fornicate, whatever, then we must be responsible for that to God - NOT TO THE WTS!! There were a handful of things that are mentioned in the New Testament that are absolutes to not do - immorality, homosexuality, idolatry, debached lifestyle, etc. According to the Bible, then, EVERYTHING else really is a conscience matter as long as it does not offend our brothers. Remember, Paul and Jesus both said that love is the only law, and that love would not permit us to do something that offends (or stumbles) someone else. Of course, that means that it would only stumble them if they knew about it. Therefore, if a course of action would stumble someone, but our conscience would permit it, then it would be allowable as long as we didn't make an issue out of it or make it public knowledge. Because ultimately, we are responsible for our actions ONLY to God and Christ. Not some set of religious laws set out by a self-appointed prophet body or a body of 'elders' who are much quicker to 'punish' then to help tend a wayward sheep.
I thought the points that Ray Franz makes about all this in 'Christian Freedom' are excellent. The scriptures nowhere outline a 'judicial body' to 'police' the congregation and impose harsh laws on it. The counsel Paul gives is to 'confess your sins to one another' so that each may help the other. However, as a JW, if you confess your sins to anyone other than an elder, that person is going to tell on you anyway....aren't they totally disregarding a Bible principle? Hypocrisy? In the WTS? No...get out of here!