Ah...Bush haters vs Bush supporters.....is there any better debate?
Six of Nine....
Obviously we DON'T have an effective means to spy on foreigners OR domestic terrorists. Proof? Two places - Oklahoma City and New York City. 'nuff said. However, you are so right. I do NOT want a Hillary or John Kerry with unlimited domestic surveillance policies. Nor do I want a George Bush with unlimited abilities. The problem I see is that Congress and politicians in general are too skittish when it comes to domestic survelliance because they are too worried about hurting someone's feelings or being perceived as 'racist'.
I just don't think it's all that big a deal. It's like getting upset with Nixon or Clinton for lying - they all do it, these guys just got caught. My point is that it happens every day, has happened every day for years, and we are not unduly infringed on. Bush just got caught - that's all.
Why aren't people up in arms about things that truly do take away our freedom. Like the IRS being able to seize anything they want, any time they want, even if it is THEIR mistake. Or the very loosely applied drug seizure laws that harm law-abiding citizens every day. Or the 'imminent domain' laws that allow the government to seize private property with little or no compensation when they want/need it?