That info you posted was GREAT! Thanks.
for all you that have studied the subject what are some big distortions of the original scriptures hebrew and greek, that are to be found in the jw bible (nwt)?
i found that at 1 thessalonians 4:15-17 it says that the living christians in the final days will be snatched up as soon as the dead ones get resurrected.
that blows up the jw belief that the said resurrection occured in 1918 because they weren't taken up at the same time.
That info you posted was GREAT! Thanks.
for all you that have studied the subject what are some big distortions of the original scriptures hebrew and greek, that are to be found in the jw bible (nwt)?
i found that at 1 thessalonians 4:15-17 it says that the living christians in the final days will be snatched up as soon as the dead ones get resurrected.
that blows up the jw belief that the said resurrection occured in 1918 because they weren't taken up at the same time.
Rom 10:13 "All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved." They put in Jehovah in place of the Lord.
And the context CLEARLY shows that he is talking about Jesus - NOT Jehovah. But to allow Jesus to have the emphasis would be a strict no-no.....
i'm so furious at the moment my keyboard is smoking whilst i'm typing this message.
i just got informed through one of my contacts that at the recent visit to my parents cong the visiting co brought the elders together to discusss with my father who is still an elder, to decide if he should be allowed to associate or even speak with me.
who in the hell do they think they are?
I'm too for words.
yes i'm new to this forum and i have been searching the net and reading with interest peoples comments here and on other sites.
as most know reaching out as a faithfull jw to others outside of the congregation is difficult at first ,as i guess we think anyone outside the congregation is wordly etc.
and we can't open up easily to "strangers" as jehovah would not approve.
Welcome to the board. You will find some definite hatred for the WTS, but overall, most on here are very reasonable and will be more than happy to help you with any questions you may have.
I am puzzled in that if this is'nt the TRUTH why did so many extraordinary things happen to me that convinced me at the time that I should rely on Jehovah and his organisation and join
I don't know your situation, but perhaps you were seeking something and attached significance to everything that happened at that time. I laugh when I hear people say things like "I wanted to pioneer and didn't have a car. I prayed about it and then my neighbor offered to sell me his car for $1000. That's truly Jehovah's blessing."
Most likely the neighbor would have sold his car anyway. The timing was just convenient. But when you want to read something into an event, it's easy to do.
You have taken the first step. You realize that it is NOT the truth it's supposed to be. It's a destructive mind-control cult. Stay the course and seek support here or wherever else you can find it. is a great place to start, as well as here. There are many other fine sites operated by members of this forum as well.
as you all know by now, my parents effectively shunned me for a week with the exception of one hurtful email seen at the following.
yesterday they call and trying to be the good daughter that i feel i am, i answered.
they were scared for me because the end was so soon.
Did you ask them if it was as close as it was in 1874, 1879, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975, etc?
Seriously, I would like to see your parents 'scriptural' (translated, WT) reasoning as to why they are shunning you if you are not df'd?
You seemed to have made someone's list as the project of the month. You can be sure that your parents dinner invite was definitely with ulterior motive. I'd take it and use it as a chance to tell them the truth, that you love them and will always be there for them even if they have to mistakenly do what they think is right. Ask them if they think it's biblical to shun you or are they listening to the reasonings of men? Put the burden of 'severing' your relationship squarely on them where it belongs. That way they can never say you were inappropriate in any way and that you definitely took the high road.
Hang in there. I know it's hard.
my husband and i were walking through the store today and we passed a display of valentines -- you know, the kind that school kids buy and exchange in the classroom.
i paused and glanced them over, remembering how much i used to love holidays at school.
(husband is an inactive/faded jw; i was never one.
Holidays (not vacations, for you were the absolute worst time to be a JW kid. I HATED the holiday season(s). Everyone else would talk about all the cool things they did and all the stuff they got and it really made you feel bad. My parents were always good about giving me stuff at other times, but it was just that feeling that you were missing out on something great. My girlfriend talks about how special it was to wake up and see that "Santa" had taken a bite out of one cookie and left a few crumbs in the milk. I just shrug my shoulders and am like "whatever - I wouldn't know." I would always make up stuff I had gotten when the time came for everyone to tell what they got for the big "C". A lot of my mom's family were not in the truth and we would usually go visit them during the holiday break and they would usually have something for me. I think they felt sorry for me. I'm almost starting to feel sorry for
I always got lots of Valentines from my classmates and thought it was neat, but felt bad about not giving any. Most of my teachers were pretty nice to me, probably in part because both of my parents worked for the school district and never made me feel bad for being 'left out.' I remember many times sitting in the library reading during all the holiday parties, and not being able to do half of the programs the other kids did, or the artwork. Sitting out while they sang "America the Beautiful" in music class.
My favorite was always Halloween. Not because it's the "holiday of the demons", but because it's fun to dress up. I remember one year my mom let me get a 'Halloween' costume at the store just so I could wear it around the house because I really liked it.
I could care less what the origins of any of them are - they are what they mean now. New Years Eve is about having a good time with your friends. Valentine's Day is an occasion to show that someone special how you feel. Mother's/Father's Day should be about showing appreciation to those that raised you. Halloween is about dressing up and having a good time. Thanksgiving and Christmas are about family. That's all. Not celebrating the pagan Roman god of some bygone era or worshipping the devil.
just a question.
many of us were passionate about the 'truth'.
our lives were the watchtower.
I've always wanted to learn Tai Chi ... Missing meetings is freeing up my time
Take a Tai Chi class that meets on your meeting nights. That way you'll have something to do other than sit around and feel guilty. Pretty soon, you won't feel guilty at all.
this was emailed to me....had to share!
coffee .
On average, why do men die at least seven years before their wife does?”
Because you've heard every story they have 100 times a year for 50 years - you can't stand it another seven. It's like being stuck on an island with a TV that only picks up old Leave it to Beaver reruns. After a while, staring at the sand starts to look good.
post 1 of 1. since 30-jan-06.
oh my goodness, could i tell you some things..... i could write a book.
Out of approximately 200 JW's I personally know, 2 of them are real.
1% - that's about right. Sorry for your predicament, but for many JW's, going out in service doesn't translate into trying to live a better life. It's just something they do to 'assure' their everlasting life and feel superior to the 'bad' non-JW's they meet in service who laugh at them for being stupid.
raymond franz was a member of the governing body and was a jw for many years till he left.. he wrote a book which provides a great insight into jw's but what is really good about it is he isn't bitter when he comes across and so far i am really enjoying the read.. also in there are copies of letters sent from him to the society or the other way around and i recommend anyone who can find it should read it!.
i am only just into it and i am hooked.
he isn't bitter when he comes across
That's what struck me the most when I read the book - the complete lack of hostility, even towards those that had done him wrong. I think that lends a lot of credibility to his story. Interesting when JW's say how 'vicious' the apostates are. Guess they haven't read Ray's books....