Why didn't someone tell me this earlier!
There were a few judicial committee meetings I would have liked to buy my way out of!
the jw i dated had lots of money and seemed to take the religion pretty much a la carte.
when it was to his advantage he'd play the religion card, but he seemed to get away with a lot.
by that i mean he owned and flew an ultralight, spent lots of time at the airport with non jws, slept with me (although they didn't know that), traveled to europe 2x to take his non jw mom to france, spends a lot of time visiting his mom in fl.
Why didn't someone tell me this earlier!
There were a few judicial committee meetings I would have liked to buy my way out of!
so here i am thinking, meditating if you will, on my biblical upbringing; then i came to the conclusion..... it's all about who you know!
even in biblical times.
for real!!!.
I can follow you line of thinking Doubtful
My dad stepped down as an elder a few years back because he needed a break, but now, he's not being re-appointed because some the other brothers he used to serve with are power tripping! He's such a good man, but couldn't get back on the body if his life depended on it...you see it works both ways. It's all who you know!
i always get different answers when i ask this question, or i get answers that contradict with the people givin the answer.
i ask this to various forums online and they all end up saying, when your ready and you know the conciquences.
however, that obviously doesn't work much or isn't the truth when so many little kids are getting pregnant and aids are everywhere and everything else.. so seriously.
For me, at least, sex is so much more meaningful and special when you wait for when you care deeply about the person you experience it with.
i always get different answers when i ask this question, or i get answers that contradict with the people givin the answer.
i ask this to various forums online and they all end up saying, when your ready and you know the conciquences.
however, that obviously doesn't work much or isn't the truth when so many little kids are getting pregnant and aids are everywhere and everything else.. so seriously.
When you are of an age that you are mature enough to handle the consequences.
~ I agree with you secret re. sex and marriage going well together
"one word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.
" sophocles (496 bc - 406 bc).
love is as old and timeless as life itself.
I can't answer for your girlfriend, but I know that the one person I truly love in my life, I always will. Even if we seperate or our relationship dies...I will always love him.
Granted I fully realize that the issue of love is broad and encompasses many levels. But again real love is for good.
P.S. As funny as it is, I went to the vending machine here at work and bought skittles after seeing your post....lol
"one word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.
" sophocles (496 bc - 406 bc).
love is as old and timeless as life itself.
Love betrays it's very meaning if it is conditional
I know it's simplistic to say that and perhaps even naive, but I believe that as rare as it is, true, raw, real love is not dependant on anything, has no variables or constraints...it just is.
"one word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.
" sophocles (496 bc - 406 bc).
love is as old and timeless as life itself.
Just a note from personal experience, it was love that made me feel safe enough to aim for a better life. Before I knew it in it's truest sense, I feared everything. Now I feel safe and secure enough to be myself and aim for the life I've always dreamed of. It's is because of this unconditional love that I don't dread tomorrow, but rather long for the chance at it.
Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go
here's my movies that suck list.
battlefield earth .
mission to mars .
Mars Attacks
Eye of the Beholder
Speed 2
Little Nicky
The English Patient
did anyone know witness families who were seemingly able to juggle getting a good education and career while maintaining good standing and even high positions in the congregation.
while from the platform, encouraging ones to pioneer from school (like i did), they themselves would be leading a completely acceptable double life, encouraging their children in their careers.
some people were better at that kind of double life than others.
Hi Ball
I had a full scholarship to the university of my choice (in Canada) and turned it down in favouring of pioneering. Thankfully, I was able to land a job at the same place I had my co-op program, but I feel really trapped since I have no career choices beyond staying right where I am.
Just as a side note, (since this is my first time on a forum of any kind) how do I start a new topic? As a newbie am I allowed, or can I only reply with posts?
Thanks for your help....
did anyone know witness families who were seemingly able to juggle getting a good education and career while maintaining good standing and even high positions in the congregation.
while from the platform, encouraging ones to pioneer from school (like i did), they themselves would be leading a completely acceptable double life, encouraging their children in their careers.
some people were better at that kind of double life than others.
I do understand your point. It seems that many times the encouragement is there in theory but lacking in actuality. Pioneering right out of high school is easy for the first bit, while your young, living with your parents or with room mates, things are financially simple. Then there's all the praise and admiration heaped on these "self-sacrificing" youths, making them feel secure in their choice. But once reality hits and it's time for a mortgage, medical bills, taxes, insurance and the like, it's virtually impossible to keep up. They are left with no career choices, no education and no experience. That is why there so many 30 - 35 year old witnesses up to their eyes balls in debt and under immense amounts of pressure who eventually resent the decision they made so long ago out of "faith".