When is it ok to have sex?

by Obviously Secret 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    I always get different answers when I ask this question, or I get answers that contradict with the people givin the answer. I ask this to various forums online and they all end up saying, when your ready and you know the conciquences. However, that obviously doesn't work much or isn't the truth when so many little kids are getting pregnant and AIDS are everywhere and everything else.

    So seriously. When is it totally ok to have sex? I say when your married but I'm a crazy person so don't mind me. What you guys think.

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    how about....

    when your ready and you know the consequences and use protection?


  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Lol thing about that is. People always think they're ready. Little 12 year olds think they're ready. Doesn't mean they're married ya know. A guy at my school his condom broke and he got another girl pregnant. Now he's moving back to europe since he's kind of rich. He knew that he was ready for sex still ran from the stuff. So I dunno when a person is ready really just wonderin.

  • Jasmine

    When you are of an age that you are mature enough to handle the consequences.

    ~ I agree with you secret re. sex and marriage going well together

  • Gretchen956

    How about when you're ready and know the consequences and use protection.

    The Aids and other things come from not following that. ALWAYS use protection, unless you've been in a committed relationship for so long that you know each other is safe, but you better trust that your partner isn't playing spank the monkey on the side with someone even in that case.

    When my son was 16 I sat him down and handed him a box of condoms. I said I don't know when you'll be ready to have sex, but when you are ready I want you to be prepared. Well turns out he wasn't ready for that box of condoms until he was graduated from high school. I do believe he has made up for that late start, but he waited until he was ready.

    Now, 5 years later he has become complacent about that and had not been using the condoms. He now has a nice little case of herpes to go along with that decision.

    So, once again, when you're ready and know the consequences and USE protection.


  • ApagaLaLuz
    when your ready and you know the consequences and use protection?


    Sounds good to me. Ultimately I think marriage is the ideal scenario, it's a lot less complicated. For me, a waited quite a while and even had a couple boyfriends first. I waited till I was 20 yrs old and had been in a commited relationship with someone I DEEPLY cared about for a while. You cant say when is the right time for any one person. I'm thankful I did wait. It made life a whole lot less complicated for me. And it made my first time special too.

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    yeah that's the thing that gets me. Alot of people "know" that they can handle sex but they end up messing up anyways. So I really say the only time you should have sex is when your married. Or use protection before you get married with somebody. Kind of sucks in a way. So many people are sure that they are ready for sex but so many people end up messin up.

  • FlyingHighNow


    If you have sex, even with a condom (they break sometimes but are better than nothing) you can conceive a baby. Are you ready to support a child if that happens? Please don't ever use a girl just for sex either.It's one of the most cruel things you can do. Care about who you are with. Use protection. Never leave it all up to her. Consider the weighty consequences before you do it with anyone. Do you really want to be connected with this person by a baby? Do you even want this person to be the mother of your child?

    All sex, even a one night stand has consequences, emotionally and physically. This is never something to be taken lightly. I don't think you have to wait until you get married. But if you feel that's what you want then by all means wait until are you are married. But before the wedding ask a lot of important questions about what you both expect sexually and make sure you have some chemistry. Compatibility is very important in a marriage. Prude and wild do not make a good match. You know?


  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma


    hey man, i am not saying you should go out and get laid at the first opportunity, when you are ready means when you are ready. If a 12 years thinks they are ready, they are probably hanging around a pedophile. I didn't get any til I was 21, because I didn't find a girl I was comfortable with until then. There is no rush, you balls won't fall off or explode. IMO sex isn't really a big deal, it is sex with the right person that is a big deal and without that you might as well masterbate.

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Oh don't worry about me Flying. I'm not going to have sex for a very very LONG!!!! time. I know. By my own decision and the decision of all the girls on the planet it seems lol. Just wondering. Alot people lose their virginity at 15. Like 70 percent of kids in school have sex before they graduate, just about, and I feel that that's way too young for everybody. So I dunno why I even made this thread I was just wondering cause I really do think marriage is the only way to go if your gonna have sex. However, most people don't like that idea.

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