Well...maybe the jokes were good? Or maybe im talkingout of my ass.... Either way, yeah, my dad did the same thing.
JoinedPosts by Lostreality
My dad and his corn...why?
by Nancy Drake ini just awoke from a bad dream of my dad giving a sunday talk.... it got me to thinking about all the bad jokes he liked to put in his talk...and i wonder why he did that?
for validation?
to see if people were paying attention?
Sydnicated Programming; Who Knew These Shows Were So Hott?
by prophecor ini've been a fan of seinfeld for a few years now, problem is when the show was in its hey day, i never watched it.
not until it's release on syndnicated channels did i become a watcher of it, and only after that did i realize just how great that show was.. watching the show becker with ted danson appears to been a hott show as well, at least in it's begining stages.
much like anything else in life, many good projects have a great start, time however, begins to take it's toll and things just aren't as much fun anymore.. what are some of your favorite syndnicated programs rehashed, sitcoms and otherwise?.
things like Married with Children. I was very young when it was on the air..unable to appriciate the genius of it. One ive been dying to see again is Unhappily Ever After. If anyone knows where this is on, let me know..i would pay you to record a few shows, lol.
Did U know?, atleast I didn't - fun fluffy stuff
by pr_capone inmany years ago in scotland, a new game was invented.
it was ruled .
"gentlemen only...ladies forbidden"...and thus the word golf entered .
bah! those cant be true....
by stillajwexelder inalready got a thread on intelligence but any of you care to state what your measured iq is/was last time you checked 9had it checked)
"Sam your IQ score is 136" woot?
Bob Marley Would Have been 60 on February 6, 2005: Favorite Song?
by blondie inthese songs of freedom?
these songs of freedom?
dese songs of freedom?
Finish This Sentence....You Know you're a JW teenager If....
by doodle-v induring class the teacher asks "who all plan to go to college?
" and you shrink down in your seat in an effort to become invisible as everyone in the class raises their hand.
-doodle-v. your turn!
....You've been told to quit high school and get a part time janitorial job so you can pioneer. and you were told this by 3 janitors over the age of 50.
How long since you been out in service?
by freedom96 init must be about 13 years since i went out in service.
about 15 years since i went out a couple times a month, and about 18 years since i went at least once a week.. i just can't imagine going from door to door anymore.
but to think that we all did it for quite awhile.
id say maybe 1 year now....i am willing to bet i went out in service with my dad sometime in december or january last year
Music suggestions for Video needed
by confusedjw inlast year i put a video together for out hockey team and showed it at the banquet.
it was a huge hit.
i put the "best of" for each player to music.
Down with the sickness - disturbed
Down with the sickness - Richard Cheese (you may have heard this version in the remake of Dawn of the Dead. I think it would bring a humuorus tone to the bone shattering hits.
"Oh wa-ah-ah-ah *snaps fingers* Oh wa-AH-AH-ah *snaps fingers* Get up, come on get down with the sickNESS! Ya mutha get up, common get down with the sickness, ya sucka get up, common get down with the sickness, yessss this is the gift that has been givin to me OHHH"
why do JW try to alienate reality
by paradox213 inwhat i mean by this is how can they believe a baby shouldn't have both parents?
i truly believe both mother and father should be united together for their baby.
i posted a question regarding marrying outside the jw earlier... please help me understand this atrocity.
they hope to bring the "non JW" to the JW side...to complete the feeling of togetherness
We Should Encourage "Lurkers" To Post Here!
by minimus ini would like to say that any of you that read this board are more than welcomed to be a part of this group.
i know some of you are afraid.
some of you are unsure.
removed by me, because i was being a dick, lol.