thanks everyone!
JoinedPosts by Lostreality
Maybe one of you can help?
by Lostreality in.
can someone email me the link to the 'other' site?.
Maybe one of you can help?
by Lostreality in.
can someone email me the link to the 'other' site?.
for the smokers here...and former smokers
by missy04 inwhat is the most ridiculous things you have done for a cigarette?.
i would have to say that walking three miles in very cold weather without really knowing where i was going..trying to find a gas station...and without a warm coat!
!..yah that would be the dumbest thing i've ever done to get a cigarette...that was about..ohh..umm...three days ago.
missy, i got ya topped.
while on duty at work one day (a few months ago) i decided to take a golf cart over to the nearest 7-11 (about half a mile away) in broad daylight, riding this gas powered golf cart down the sidewalk at 25 miles per hour, just to get back before my boss noticed i was gone....
yes..i had a golf cart to drive was a really big job.
Home Solutions of America---Watchtower Stocks!
by Voyager into read more about: home solutions of america inc. go here:. .
to read about the stock purchase agreement, look below:.
hgm...i believe its time to call my father and ask him a few things...
What TV/movie characters could you see as JWs?
by MungoBaobab inreligion is rarely covered in poular entertainment, so who knows?
there could be a plethora of jw characters in popular televison and movies, and we don't even know it!.
for example, what about bill lumberg (the boss) from the movie "office space?
the boss from fight club
"im gonna need you out pioneering this week, deprioritize the rest of your life, make this your main focus"
by Lostreality inafter talking to my dad last night, i realise there is no scriptual reason to not celebrate thanksgiving, he just kept repeating how "its a fake, its a scam".
how is it fake?
is there any scriptual reasoning?
i tried explaining that to him, but he just kept saying how it was originally a patriotic hioliday, thanking god for stuff. but JWS are supposed to thank god EVERYDAY.....i didnt understand it either..okay, so waht stops them from thanking him more on one partiocular day??
by Lostreality inafter talking to my dad last night, i realise there is no scriptual reason to not celebrate thanksgiving, he just kept repeating how "its a fake, its a scam".
how is it fake?
is there any scriptual reasoning?
after talking to my dad last night, i realise there is NO SCRIPTUAL reason to NOT celebrate thanksgiving, he just kept repeating how "its a fake, its a scam"
how is it fake? IS there any scriptual reasoning? after looking up some stuff on the watchtower library, it basicly just says to be no part of the world.
any LOGICAL reasoning?
Who has the slowest computer here?
by JH ini was just wondering who has, not the fastest, but the slowest computer here on jwd.. i'll start.
mine is quite slow, but as long as it goes, i'm satisfied.. i have a amd-k6 450 mhz with 256 mb of ram .
any slower computers here?
actually, ive got a 486 dx/33 sitting here that i was about to wipe out, and burn, but i decided to post...
its a 486 dx/33 with 16 mb ram and a 300 mb had drive.
windows 95 fits nicely on it.
Anyone like Poetry?
by Frenchy inhey, anyone out there like poetry?
have you a poem that you wrote that you would like to share?
or just a favorite poem (by anyone) that you would like to post and talk about?
i really liked that last poem..the emotion is very telling
Anyone like Poetry?
by Frenchy inhey, anyone out there like poetry?
have you a poem that you wrote that you would like to share?
or just a favorite poem (by anyone) that you would like to post and talk about?
Blurring his eyes, focused, unfocused.
A stain on the table evaporates.
It was his blood.
Red, red, pink, white, gone.
It drips again, off the top of his lip.
He can\'t see it, but he can taste it.
His eyes on his thoughts, emotions, lack of.
Blurring his eyes, focused, unfocused.
A faint smell of blood fills the air.
An errie sub-conscience aura of pain.
It fills the room.
One table, dyed red over time.
He sits now
Blurring his eyes, focused, unfocused.
A small chuckle escapes his clinched jaw.
It grows louder, as a tear trickles down his cheek.
It started as a bruise
A cut
A gash
A hole
Empty, but still bleeding
Blurring his eyes, focused, unfocused.
A chuckle, a laugh.
His eye twitches as sweat beads.
a single drop of blood meets his brow
It trickles into his bloodshot eye
Everything stops.
\"Fuck!\" he screams.
he slams his head into the table again
Blurring his eyes, focused, unfocused.
He sees the blood now.
He can feel the color.
His face numbs as his disease drips to the floor
in thick red droplets
The table is gone, he collapses to the floor as the room spins.
The chair is gone
Everything is gone.
Blurring his eyes, focused, unfocused.
White is everywhere, neverending.
He lay on the floor weaping.
His own blood pooled around his half dead body.
He lay on the floor weaping
The cold ground will soon freeze his skin.
He just doesnt know it.
Blurring his eyes, focused, unfocused.
A soft \"I\'m sorry\" escapes his parched lips.
The last of his sanity flows out of him, and surrounds his body.
Blurring his eyes, focused, unfocused.
2:46 AM
He drinks the half empty glass of water.
And returns to sleep.
Black, Black, Red, White, Gone.