Karma requires a patern,,paterns are the way the human psyche perceive events as happening,,they are human psychic projections,,,
I agree frankiespeakin, the idea of karma is not a cosmic concept, it is a psychological concept. Humans can perceive the same events as good or as bad depending on their mood or frame of mind. When we do good things, we feel that we deserve something good so we either perceive neutral events AS good, OR we notice the objectively good events more.
It is called "counterfactual thinking", and it colours every aspect of our lives. When we break up with our partner amicably we often remember the good times... when we break up violently, we immediately dwell on the negative things... If we win a bronze medal, we can feel terrible that we didn't win the gold or silver, or we can feel grateful that we won anything at all and are actually the third best at our sport in the world. It's all about frame of mind.
Human brains (and animal brains) constantly fall victim to the "post hoc ergo propter hoc" fallacy, also known as "correlation is not causation" which basically means that " since that event followed this one, that event must have been caused by this one."Sometimes it's called " Rooster Syndrome", a belief that the crowing of the cockerel actually causes the sun to rise".
Many experiments have been done on different animals showing how they associate certain actions with a certain result even though it is not the real cause. Superstitious practices such as lucky pants/socks, lucky mascots, rituals before tests examinations and other superstitious practices are a result of this behaviour trait. We ALL do it, no matter how "rational" we are.
Another human trait which probably evolved to help us in social interactions is the "Theory of Mind". In order for us to feel empathy for someone or guess what they are thinking, we need to realise that they too have a mind. This seems very simple, but it is not.
An experiment with chimpanzees and 6-year old human children was carried out recently. There were two pairs of sunglasses, the blue one was completely opaque, letter no light through; the yellow one was a normal pair of sunglasses. The participant (whether chimp or 6 year old) tried on both pairs of glasses and then the glasses were given to 2 adults sitting on a sofa. The two people had sweets in their hands.
The participant was encouraged to ask one of the sweet-bearing adults for some sweets without speaking, just indicating by gesture that you would like some. The children ALWAYS went to the person with yellow sunglasses, and when asked "why?" they replied "because he can see, and she can't see". The chimps on the other hand, approached the seated sweet-bearing adults randomly, not grasping that the blue-glasses clad woman could NOT see them, even though they'd tried on the glasses themselves. They were utterly confused at why the woman with the blue glasses would not give them anything.
The conclusion is that chimps don't have a Theory of Mind. They cannot imagine that another peoson has their own perspective, their own mind.
The Theory of Mind is one of the unique characteristics that makes us human, it enables empathy, and empathy is the basis for morality.
However, it also has side-effects:
Whenever people saw storms destroy their crops and attributed it to a sky-god, they were misapplying the Theory of Mind to storms. Whenever you shout at your computer and curse it for not working, you are assuming it has a malicious mind that is out to get you. Whenever we assume that the cosmos has a "plan" or rewards us for our good actions and seeks retribution for our bad actions we are misapplying the Theory of Mind to the cosmos.
Any discussion of karma is difficult because there are so many schools of thought about what it is. It is not a scientific term that has an internationally recognised and exclusive meaning. However, the kind of karma that means "the cosmos will punish me for bad, and reward me for good", is a misapplication of the Theory of Mind.