Wow, I'm really surprised they're doing this.
I can imagine that their justification is that Mother's Day is pagan-derived, whereas Woman's Day started as a "secular" day rather than having any religious overtones.
for the second year in a row, the org has marked international women's day.
this time, it's an article that lists most female bible characters in alphabetical order with a brief summary for each, topped by a picture of them in 'empowering' poses.
rey and captain marvel would be proud lol.. .
Wow, I'm really surprised they're doing this.
I can imagine that their justification is that Mother's Day is pagan-derived, whereas Woman's Day started as a "secular" day rather than having any religious overtones.
i belonged to this forum for about 5 years ; 14 years ago and made many good online friends here.. it became my new family for awhile and i am very grateful for all the help i received.. for the first time in 10 years i went into a kh for a funeral, bearing in mind it was at the hall where my husband had been the presiding overseer and regular pioneer for many many years.. they were very surprised that i remembered all their names and was confident and happy.. someone said so are you back in the truth, i said simply !
yes i have my truth, thanks.. the elder in question said " well time will tell ?
"and i said yes it has hasn't it, but we aren't in competition..
It's a coincidence, I haven't logged into this forum for a good while, but it went through my mind and thought I'd log back in to check up of things.
I joined about 12 years ago and was active for about 3 years (from 2004 to 2007). I'm grateful for the support that the forum offered me all those years ago.
Now I'm more active on the Facebook groups as well as organising meetups, tours and film screenings. If anyone is interested, please add me on Facebook (under the email: [email protected]) or join
i just thought i'd amuse myself by seeing what madness awaits in the new 2013 yearbook.. you might like to read some of the gems i've uncovered.... .
"true christians are soon to cross into the promised new world, so they need to be courageous and strong.
how soon are we talking about?
“I’m so happy to see my son get baptized as a man.” (The happy ending to an article entitled "A Transvestite Makes Changes," pages 57,58)
This made me laugh so, soooo much!!
I really appreciate your effort in reading this drivel for us so we don't have to.
Ste Rikhardsson
ecc 10:19 bread is for the laughter of the workers, and wine itself makes life rejoice, but money is what meets a response in all things.
or the brand new nwt released this year.... "bread is made for laughter, and wine makes life enjoyable, but money answers every need.".
Wow, it's funny how a different translation can reveal a whole new meaning to a verse.
" is what meets a response in all things" is such an obfuscated way of translating that verse.
i am not.
everyone makes mistakes..
I'm not embarrassed at all. It wasn't my fault as I was a born-in, and as soon as I became self-aware I began to have doubts.
I was baptised in December 2001 at the age of 18 due to the pressure from parents and congregation members, but I began to have serious doubts the following year.
I began to do internet research in 2004 and found this site then known as JWD, and it took me about a year to finally completely break free mentally.
Instead of being ashamed or embarrassed about having been a bORg drone, I'm proud of having broken free and immensely proud of what I do to support those in my local area who realise TTATT.
Ste Rikhardsson
who the el' is el' ?.
the original god of israel was el, not yahweh, as is evident in the patriarchal narratives: the name isra-el means el rules, not yahweh rules that would be isra-yahu.
(bellah, 2011, p. 287).
This isn't exacty "evidence" but most non-fundamentalist Biblical scholars agree that monotheism wasn't introduced into the Judahite religion until after the Babylonian exile of 586-539 (as JWs we learned that this was the 70-year period of 607-537).
According to the archaeological digs in modern Palestine, the Judahites believed that Yahweh had a female consort called Asherah. She is referenced in the Bible in 2 Kings 23:7 where temple priestesses are described as weaving ritual clothes or pieces of cloth for her. This was almost certainly an original part of the temple, not something that so-called “bad kings” like Manasseh and Amon introduced later on. That part of history was likely later heavily edited to eliminate Asherah from history as it was embarrasing to the later monotheistic Jews. Thousands of statues of Asherah and Yahweh have been found in Palestinian archaeological digs showing that worship of these "idols" was prevelant.
The "first" temple to Yahweh supposedly built by King Solomon was probably little more than a tabernacle/tent, as there is no archaeological evidence to suggest a temple of such grandeur existed. ( Admittedly though, archaological evidence is very hard to come by as the "City of David" is such a "holy" place for the Judeo-Islamo-Christianity. (As we all should know, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence).
According to the evidence, the "second" temple was probably built in 516 BC during the rule of Xerxes the Great of Persia.
This is controversial, but in my opinion, according to a lot of evidence that I've come accross, post-exilic Judaism is an almost complete fabrication by the Persians, in order to maintain control over Palestine and have them unwittingly worshipping their God Ahura Mazda, which is the first recorded monotheistic faith in history (Akenaten's so-called monotheism was more like monolatry, the worship of one god while believing in the existence of others).
In 538 BC, King Cyrus had issued the famous decree stating that all nations formerly under the Babylonians including the Judahites would be allowed to return to their homeland. Not only were the exiles released, but the Achaemenid kings also supported the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. They gave gold, silver and other materials to facilitate the establishment of a Jewish nation and religion in the image of Zoroastrianism.
Pre-exile Judah had remarkably different religious views to what we were taught. Ezra (a Persian official who dubiously claimed to have Judahite ancestry) is said to have redacted the first version of the Torah.
I wrote an article about the origin of Judaism a couple of years ago:
genesis 30:37-39english standard version (esv).
37 then jacob took fresh sticks of poplar and almond and plane trees, and peeled white streaks in them, exposing the white of the sticks.
38 he set the sticks that he had peeled in front of the flocks in the troughs, that is, the watering places, where the flocks came to drink.
This is actually really funny, I've never come across this scripture before, LOL
i recently dug up my old copy of the "creation" book, which i haven't looked at for almost 7 years.
as i was flicking through, i caught a glimpse of the table on page 112 and remembered how at the time it thoroughly convinced me that evolution was not factual...
time and experience has passed, and i now agree more with the evolutionary side of the arguement... so i was thinking of various ways to refute what seemed to me at the time to be water-tight reasoning.
Wow, it's hard to believe I posted this 8 years ago...
i bought the book for a number of reasons:.
1. it sounds brill.. 2. it sounds like the kind of people who read are rather clever and well educated (and i want to be one of them).. 3. i may find it interesting how it relates to the jws.. regarding the latter, does anyone have any thoughts and feeling on this point, or is there anything i should look out for when comparing what orwell writes about with the jws?.
timmy :).
I am also a HUGE fan of dystopian and post-apocalyptic film: Metropolis(1927 version), 12 Monkeys, Melancholia, Brazil, THX 1138, Alphaville, The Trial , One Point, Logan's Run, Gattaca are some of my favourites...
...and I even enjoy the less high-brow/less intellectual, more Hollywood action movies such as Equilibrium, The Matrix, Children of Men, V for Vendetta, Minority Report, I Robot, A.I., Pleasantville, Total Recall.
i bought the book for a number of reasons:.
1. it sounds brill.. 2. it sounds like the kind of people who read are rather clever and well educated (and i want to be one of them).. 3. i may find it interesting how it relates to the jws.. regarding the latter, does anyone have any thoughts and feeling on this point, or is there anything i should look out for when comparing what orwell writes about with the jws?.
timmy :).
1984is my most favourite book of all time. It means a lot to me and I have 4 copies (I always buy another one when a new cover comes out, yes, I'm crazy... DOWN WITH THE KINDLE!!!).
Others have mentioned Animal Farm,Brave New World , Clockwork Orange,Fahrenheit 451 and We, which are brilliant books. I have put in BOLD, all the books which haven't been mentioned yet.
I'd also like to add "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood (a modern classic), and "Erewhon" by Samuel Butler (a 19th century pseudo-utopian novel). "Candide" by Voltaire is a novel which for me illustrated the difficulties that a person faces when leaving the "spiritual paradise" of the Watchtower organisation.
I also enjoyed the short stories "2BR02B" by Kurt Vonnegut, and "Flatland" by Edwin Abbott Abbott, the first of which is a short utopian/dystopian story about a future land where death has been eradicated and an unconventional solution to the earth's population problem is explored (made me think a lot about the logistics of the "New system"), and the second of which is a mathematical satire critiquing the Victorian class system and incidentally the Watchtower class system (the faithful slave class, the anointed class, the Jonadab class, the evil slave class etc...).
It is sometimes difficult to separate what is utopian from dystopian evn though the two are diametrically opposed. That's what lends this kind of fiction to intrigue, debate, confusion and a feeling of being utterly blown away.