How shall I put it? If I were to use FunkyDerek's phrase I'd say you are "quite simply, absolutely, totally and completely, laughably" irrelevant to the rather clear intended meaning of my post.
Not only that, but you also seem to be basically manipulative about my post.
I really don't feel like showing you where exactly - I think you'll know if you read my post again, but I'll do it for you.
First I wrote:
:: Let's imagine you can travel in time 5000 years back and somehow bring a human child of some relatively intelligent parents "back to the future".
:: If you brought this child up in our culture, the child would have no problems with functioning in society, receiving education, and possibly becoming a rocket scientist.
I'm not sure where I said "if you took a mentally impaired child". I'm not sure where I said "it could be any child", with any social background. I'm not sure where I said "the child would certainly become a rocket scientist".
Then I said:
:: However if you took a humanoid child born say 2,000,000 years ago, the child could have problems with adapting because of the biological limitations of the its brain.
To which you replied:
We also have no idea if the brain of Homo erectus (I assume this is who you are talking about) is for example better ate math than humans. We know they were probally as strong or stonger than humans, not as inovative (or maybe not as lucky), and their brain is about the same size. For example some birds with their small brains are better at matching mosiac like patterns than humans. The reason is from the sky this helps them identify food and land marks. They have built in what takes pilots months to develop. Considering humans have not adapted to modern life evolutionarily yet we have no real advantage since we poped up on the radar as modern humans. Homo erectus was extinct by the time we got here. So we really cant compare too much. Outside of saying we may be smarter on average. But smarter may not always equall better adapted.
No I didn't mean Homo Erectus. If it makes you more happy, I'll rephrase it slightly:
However if you took a humanoid child born say 10,000,000 years ago, the child could have problems with adapting because of the biological limitations of the its brain.
I hope it does it for you. Of course you can continue to claim that tallented amoebas could easily adapt in our society or that robins could win the Battle of England had they been given a chance, but I think oyu should get my point so far.
Then you start dreaming your sweet dreams:
::In the most of the world it is capitalist model that is promoted. So you when you say adapt you mean go to school (I assume free) become a highly skilled laborer they can be and then make as much money as they can as a responsible citizen. How ever globally the child may be living in a shanty town around a central american mega city robbing tourist, or may work in a bothel in SE asia, or work in some conflict dimond mine in africa. On the up side they may be intelegent enought to learn a sport, and become a pro athelete raking in millions. In terms of evolution survival and having sex is winning. All this 2 million year old child has to do is learn how to live. Because I doubt they could breed with todays humans they would loose even if they became a rocket scientist. But in a fluke maybe they could breed a fertile hybrid dogs and wolves do it.
In this part of your post you got a lot of things mixed up altogether. I don't think funkyderek would send his little humanoid to work in a South African diamond mine or a Thai brothel. I also don't think the child would do better in the socialist Havana than in the capitalist Europe. Neither do I think that many people would be interested in watching a humanoid runner win the Athens Olympics.
If I were to follow your resoning, I'd have to say that dogs are the best achievement of evolution. They're lazy asses, most of them do absolutely nothing and they get food and sex for free - and all that because as you'd put it they've adapted perfectly in human society. What a life!
Now I don't want to comment on this part of your post:
Most humans are not that intelegent. Only about 2% of humans i believe are in the rocket scientist catagory. Infact reading/writing is a new evolutionary tool. Look at dyslexia a brain disorder that does not impair your life until you try to pick up a book. Infact look at humans with disabilities period. Many severly disabled people could not out bench mark a 2 million year old humanoid. Infact some great apes alive today can physically and mentally exceed some severely crippled humans.
First of all I don't want to ask you where you got your remarks about dyslexia from, secondly I am not sure if I've ever seen a "severly mentally crippled" rocket scientist - again you mixed up my two examples.
I ask you to be a little bit more fair and careful next time! I'm sure you can do it for me.