hey guys....i got an email from my dad today....
- Jared , please take time to pray about the things I am writing you. Take at least a week to think it over and pray about it before you respond. Go over the points one by one, comparing and consulting your last email as you thoughtfully go over these points in your mind.
- JW?S can take organ transplants. It is up to each individual?s own conscience. I even know of JW?s that have taken bone marrow transplants, the bone marrow is where the blood is manufactured in the body!
- Isa. 25:6 speaks of eating bone marrow, so that is acceptable. Blood is to be drained, you are not to take collected liquid blood into your body, that is all the Bible says, and we should not add anything to it or make it more difficult.
- We don?t donate blood because the only use of blood, as it is limited by Jehovah, is for sacrifice. He made that rule.
- The blood fractions we take are those that pass thru the placenta---you already had those fractions transfused into you in the womb thru the umbilical cord. The mother?s blood born fractions pass to the fetus, immunoglobulins. Good thing, Jehovah designed it so you would have your Mother?s immunities for at least the first six months of your life. It is still a conscience matter, if a JW does not want blood born fractions that is up to him. I personally will take them because I already had it, as designed by Jehovah.
- Sometimes Christians die for their faith. Jehovah wants them to live. But from your point of view all those who died in the arena died in vain, as parts of their bodies were eaten off while they were yet alive! All they had to do was transfer one pinch of incense from a container to a burner, burn just one pinch to the Emperor and they could live?and their children! They chose death for themselves and their children by the mouth of lions Why? Jehovah wants all his servants to live. You think about it & respond. Why did they choose death? Just a pinch and they could live.
- You are right there is only a remnant of anointed ones left. We must really be close to the end, I think we might be.
- Your web page has been available for years. In fact on interstate 85, between
- Did you read Matt. 24:42-51? Here we see that a ?faithful and discreet slave? would exist in the time of the end. There would be only one source of ?food at the proper time? How many true religions were there in Israelite times? What would you have done when the old law was replaced by Christianity? It seems to me that you would have perhaps hung on to the old. Read the book of Hebrews.
- Did you read Matt 7:1-6 & 13-27? Matt. 24:48 said there would be an evil slave in the time of the end, so ?who really is the evil slave?? Matt. says,? By their fruits you will recognize them.? Show me some fruit from the people you are dealing with. Really the only thing they are providing is ?beating their fellow slaves? (Matt. 24:49) That is ALL they do. It is clear that they ARE the ?evil slave? class because they ARE doing the ?beating.? When did they produce a book like ?The Greatest Man?, or like ?Draw Close To Jehovah?? Those books are examples of ?food at the proper time?. The evil slave class will never produce something positive because ALL they do is attack and ?beat?.
- Jesus is much more than Buddha or Muhammad. He was and is the Son of the Most High God, the sacrifice. You stated that you ?believe in Jesus?, do you just believe that he existed at one time, or that what he taught is the truth?
- We cannot be a normal family. You have made seriously wrong choices, of dire consequences. You chosen in times past to fornicate and to do other things that also broke God?s law. You point at all the mistake that others have made. You, YOU, have made many, and serious ones at that. I have talked to Ma, Granddaddy, Lee, & Josh and your Mother. I did not talk to them in a group, but individually, and with no pressure form me. They all voluntarily said they would not change their religion to suit you.
- WE all love you very, very much. We all grieve over you. We cry often. I wake up during the night and can not go back to sleep thinking about you for hours and hours, till sunup, almost every night. I am down to about 4, or 5 hours of sleep a night. I am not telling you this to make you feel bad, only so you know that we are all affected---you matter. Your Mother cries at family study, almost every time. You probably dominate my private thoughts more than any other one thing. You are mentioned in every private and family prayer. You are greatly missed, but we feel as though you have estranged yourself from us and Jehovah. Did you read Eccl. 7:16? There it states that one ?righteous over much will cause desolation to himself?---he would be alone. You have proved that scripture true. Stop being ?righteous over much? and things will improve for you. The Watchtower said that ?what makes life worth living in this old system is ?loyal friends and loving family?; you can still have that for yourself! You said that you want me there ?when you need me to be your Father?, NOW is that time! Read Prov. Chp. 2, 100% of that chapter applies to you & I .
I love you Son. When you started on this course, back before you were diffellowshipped it broke my heart. It breaks it still, and it will stay broken. But broken heart and all I will never, NEVER give up on you. I still have hope.
i'm going to take some time this week to write a response