ok guys here was the last letter that i sent my Dad
hey guys.
both my mom, dad and sister have asked me to write them with my reasons and concerns for leaving the wts.
this is what i wrote them.
ok guys here was the last letter that i sent my Dad
my gf was watching road rules on mtv (i was busy doing something else, thank god!
) and i overheard the new person say she was raised a jw but when she got raped by a church member and nothing was done about it, she stopped going.
she said her parents split up and no longer go to meetings earlier.
yeah she is pretty hot.
here is a link http://www.mtv.com/onair/roadrules/season13/meet_the_cast/personality.jhtml?personalityId=517
my gf was watching road rules on mtv (i was busy doing something else, thank god!
) and i overheard the new person say she was raised a jw but when she got raped by a church member and nothing was done about it, she stopped going.
she said her parents split up and no longer go to meetings earlier.
do you know which one it is?
does greg believe that the WTBTS is the sole channel of communication for god on earth?
logic tells us that the "preaching work" is alot to do about nothing.
knocking on doors when no one is home is a stupid waste of time!
the odds of finding a bible study that gets baptized after leaving a person a tract or magazine has got to be ridiculously low.
my dad (still a jw) feels the same way. he thinks the WTS should start doing comercials (sp?). for the few months i recently lived at home i think my parents went out once maybe twice. my dad also recently stepped down as and elder. i wonder if he is starting to have doubts. he still defends the WTS though
minimus stated in another thread that 99% of newly baptized jws are children/teens of jws.
another poster said that they knew of only one person baptized in 20 years of door to door work.. let's do an informal, unscientific poll/survey:.
how many here were brought into the "truth", whether baptized or unbaptized publishers, by means of the door to door work having no prior experience with jws?
man i wish this board had polls. anyway for your poll to work wouldn't you need to know both who came in from the field and who was brought up in it? i think a more people became jws by informal witnessing than by door-todoor work. but being raised in the dubs is def. the most popular way for their numbers to rise.
by the way i was raised a jw.
next month will be my one year anniversary of starting to fade.
a year ago, i thought i was just in the middle of yet another slump in meeting attendance.
but one week led to another, and it got easier and easier to just stay away.. .
so are you single or do you have a boyfriend? having a close person to talk to during a time like you are going through is priceless!!
how often have you heard this--- only to wonder---why didn't you call, come by
anni don't get a knot in your stomoach....i'm sure that when your non-dub friends say that they miss you they probably mean it more so than the dubs did!
about fifteen years ago, i just kind of stopped attending.
not that i'm any happier, but i don't have a group of people dogging my steps, waiting for me to fail.
welcome!!! make youself at home. you will be glad you found this place!
i remember when they said that wild animals wouldn't be wild anymore in paradise.
we could be right next to these wild animals, and no harm would come to us.. i remember seeing magazines with pictures of young children and lions next to each other.
is it realistic to believe that all animals would be nice to each other and peaceful, like shown in the magazines?
i've always had an issue with this. interestingly my dad, still an active jw, doesn't believe it at all. he thinks that one day the WTS will have new light that shows them otherwise