i read an excerpt from the book of mary stating that she was a perpetual virgin....joseph was quite up in age and was a widower with children, but was a god-fearing man and so did not sleep with her and kept her chastity...the only reason she was married was because that was apparently the law back then....so "thru god" he was chosen to take care of mary and jesus....apparently he did not have a long life after raising jesus
jesus was born in a cave and later when everyone was called to their birthplace...joseph, mary, and family all went to bethlehem...with no room in the inn they were in the stables but jesus was already born by then and quite possibly no longer an infant
this is very interesting to me because i was taught that mary did not stay a virgin (jw teachings) cause the bible mentions that jesus had brothers and sister, but this very well could have been josephs children from a previous marriage...
the excerpt came from a book called "Lost Books of the Bible" by RH Value Publishing
what do u all think?