JoinedTopics Started by sinamongurl
If you are df'd...have you.....
by sinamongurl in.
ever tried going to a kh where no one knew you and actually interacted with the congregation?.
i was thinking of doing this just to see what people would say to me and see if they would try to have a bible study with me
Mary--Perpetual Virgin?
by sinamongurl ini read an excerpt from the book of mary stating that she was a perpetual virgin....joseph was quite up in age and was a widower with children, but was a god-fearing man and so did not sleep with her and kept her chastity...the only reason she was married was because that was apparently the law back "thru god" he was chosen to take care of mary and jesus....apparently he did not have a long life after raising jesus.
jesus was born in a cave and later when everyone was called to their birthplace...joseph, mary, and family all went to bethlehem...with no room in the inn they were in the stables but jesus was already born by then and quite possibly no longer an infant.
this is very interesting to me because i was taught that mary did not stay a virgin (jw teachings) cause the bible mentions that jesus had brothers and sister, but this very well could have been josephs children from a previous marriage.... the excerpt came from a book called "lost books of the bible" by rh value publishing.
One law----To love our neighbor as ourself right? then.....
by sinamongurl inhey!!!
i know how opinionated you all are so dont kill me....just wanted to bring up an interesting thought i had.....not that this necessarily shows my beliefs, but in an effort to still try to find myself and discover the truth, it is something i have been pondering for quite some time now.....
so, if the only law we need to follow is to show love to one another.....
what is the definition of a christian?
by sinamongurl inwhat does christian mean anyway?
doesnt it mean a follower of christ.....a man?
arent "we" supposed to be followers of god and not man?
Bible Code
by sinamongurl inits been a while since i posted.. can anyone tell me if there are any threads on here about the bible code..... specifically a book entitled bible code written by michael drosnin.
i am "freaked" out about it and now more than ever am convinced that i am going to die at armageddon.
it predicts 2006 as the end.. both my sister and my mother are digruntled at me because of how i have been affected.
JWs--cult or am i just bitter?
by sinamongurl inafter reading many experiences and comments on the board, i have begun to have questions.
questions that i really didnt know i until i read them.
as a recently df'd person, i am still struggling with whether jws are really a cult or is it just that im bitter for being torn away from the only thing that i knew, where i had friends that i thought loved me.
Christian astrology--is there such a thing?
by sinamongurl inalthough i consider myself to be christian, i am very much interested in astrology and the study of its affects on us.
i belive it is a science, however according to some of our previous and current beliefs, this is a no-no.
i was wondering if anyone else has an interest in this and how much of a conflict it really is with christianity?.
Will I die at Armageddon?
by sinamongurl inthe anwser is: know one really knows but jehovah.. i have been df'd for 3 years now.
i still struggle with: "should i go back cuz i dont want to die" .
but then its not really for the "right" reason.