have you conducted a word for word comparison between the originals and the reprints yet?
hi to all again.. about a year before i packed it in back in late '90 the wts reprinted (in english in the uk) the wt bound volumes from 1960 - 1979.. in view of the (even then) dodgy information (e.g.
the 1975 issue in the 1968 bound volume) i wondered why they did this.
ok so the internet wasn't around but i would have thought that the last thing the wts would do was draw attention to issues they would rather forget.
have you conducted a word for word comparison between the originals and the reprints yet?
this morning my nearest and dearest were discussing issues relating to adoption.
a close relative of the family has been turned down as an adoptive parent because he and his wife are too wealthy!.
the adoption people say that it is important that children have some negative input into their lives, apparently not having money worries can be bad for you.. we carried on talking and her ladyship asked me whether jw`s ever adopted children.
just my opinion
i think this whole "racism" issue is a load of politically correct BS.
no one wants to admit they are racist coz it's unfashionable.
the way i see it racism is more symptom than a cause.
a symptom of the natural human inclination for bias or prejudice - and that bias or prejudice usually leans strongly toward the known and the familiar and strongly against the unknown and unfamiliar.
both on individual and collective levels.
i'm racist sure - I'm the first to admit it
I have a favorable bias toward certain races and a less favorable one toward others
(for possibly deeply ingrained and even unconcious reasons)
same as I have a favorable bias toward a lot of things and a less favorable bias toward a lot of others
bias cant exist without option or choice
if you don’t want bias - take away option
and make people robots
it seems that is our biases which make us unique individuals
and bias is somehow connected to option
I'd rather live in a world that allows for bias than one that doesn’t
it seems a more central viewpoint
rather than than an extreme dichotomised one sided way of looking at things
but I can only speak for myself
I think I know why I'm racist
I can see that this is probably an irrational bias within myself
so I'm trying to close the gap between the two - still I'm not denying that a gap exists
on this planet racism does exist between those of the same skin color
whites hating whites
blacks hating blacks
asians hating asians
brown hating brown
middle eastern hating middle eastern
hispanics hating hispanics
minority groups have prejudices within their own minority groups
and have since the year dot
nations still collectively hate other nations
I find it difficult to take any group or individual seriously who cries injustice over injustices they themselves are also guilty of
if we all concentrated on cleaning up our own backyard it might solve a lot of these types of judgemental problems eg. racism IMHO
my view is that all the fuss over the issue of racism
is a real case of not seeing the forest for the trees
which to me seems to be that humans are by nature biased /prejudiced
I don’t know why - I'd say it's probably a survival mechanism
that’s why I think this is all bullshit
bacause on the one hand you get all this new age millenial crap about how advanced we are and liberal and learned from history and so on
but nothing seems to have changed to much too me
wars are still being fought today
on the basis of some prejudice/bias or another
same as they have been throughout history
how can this be - as mankind is so liberal & and advanced & civilized now?
yes I'm racist
but I'm also not trying to view myself as being good or evil because of this
or superior or inferior
racism is just another bias I've got
that’s all
(sweeping generalisation class)
you need some history to understand what i have to tell.
i have two grown sons.
son1 is single and a staunch jw whose goal for years has been to go to bethel and to become a missionary.
this looks like a friendly forum and i will do my very first posting here because i finally feel i can trust someone to help me.
i published an article on the local newspaper against the jw and part of my sour experiences while i was a jw; they only let me use 300 words and deleted the most important ones ofcourse.
my problem is that iam now getting very negative responses to my article and i need you all to help me write something positive for us ex-jw's for a change.
You all Distgust me.
said to a hi class low life like myself thats a compliment
thanks distgusted
just had dinner with my wife and a couple of her friends.. one of them was telling me about her sister-in-law, a very nice, kind person who i've met on several occasions.
it seems this sister got a job in an office as a receptionist/secretary.
last christmas (1999) her employer asked her to sign christmas cards for all the clients.
i fail to see the differentiation between a conscience/non conscience directive from the gb - either way you're still being told to what to think even if what you're being told to think is - "you can think for yourself on this or that particular matter"
this happened out in door to door sales with me and another jw one morning.
we were in a run down neighborhood when we approached the door of a ramshackle house.
as we stepped up to the front door, i could smell a strong odor of garbage and urine.
venny - can u post the gramps accidentally burning down the kingdom hall story?
i'm dying to hear it
my dad asked the co about this one.
mat 27:52-53. and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, .
and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
venice - can i PPPPLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZ hear about gramps accidentally burning down the KH?
last night i concluded a very lively social evening by talking with an elder who was enjoying a few late gin 'n'tonics in my local pub.. suitably booted and suited, my dubinthepub pal told me that he had just been to an elders meeting, conducted by the co.. he said that a lot of stuff was only handed down by word of mouth these days.
but, new light that he had just received, was as follows: (bear in mind that we were both pretty steamed by midnight!).
1. elders must call on all dfd ones once a year to encourage them to turn back and where necessary to have their questions answered.
I can't believe that a good many JW's haven't already written in on this one!
to admit they've been duped?
my dad asked the co about this one.
mat 27:52-53. and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, .
and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
my dad asked the co about this one.
mat 27:52-53. and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, .
and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
ok i'm sidetracking here - not sure if this is even amusing:
me and this young bro - jamie - (guy who i also lived with - were in
our early twenties single) are at the meeting
it's closing prayer time
the bro gets called to the platform to give the closing prayer - brother ray - hearing who was asked to give prayer - a distinct disgruntled murmer goes through the audience -
bro ray is old - blind in one eye and can't see out the other - he lived near me and jamie - sometimes bro ray gave jamie and i lifts to the meetings because we didnt have a car - this was always a real freak out - we only ever got a lift to the meeting with bro ray as a last resort -
(we were living in the country and it was a long way to the hall)
- as he had the rather disconcerting habit of driving down the wrong side of the road into the headlights of oncoming semi trailers at night - only to swerve and miss them at the last moment - due to his radar vision -
so bro ray gets called to the platform - the crowd murmurs - they know they're in for the long haul
bro ray was one of those bro's - his prayer - let me put it this way - anyone who had heard bro ray give closing prayer two times or more - could give bro ray's prayer for him - because once you'd heard it a couple of times - you understood his structure - which was kind of symphonic - (think wagner) - in four movements
the first movement
bro ray would thank jehovah for each individual item within the universe - the formula for this went like:
thank you jehovah for ...........(insert individual item within universe)
because ................(insert how individual item is an expression of gods love in 1000 words or more)
then he'd move onto the next chosen individual item within the universe he wished to thank jehovah for and repeat until he had thanked jehovah for each individual item within the universe
the second movement
bro ray would repeat the entire two hour meeting you just sat through word for word - to thank jehovah for the wonderful truths we'd just learnt - including what was said not only in the main hall but also what was said in the second and third schools - requoting every scripture quoted and unquoted - not forgetting to include the comments from the audience - including those of the audience in both the second and third schools -
the third movement
bro ray would go through the entire hierachy of the watchtower organisation - starting from bro hinchle(? cant remember - WT president anyway) right down to the pups of the dog that belongs to the sister in the wheelchair that could never get to the meeting
thanking jehovah for blessing us with them - whilst at the same time giving us the 25 volume condensed version of that individuals biography
then there would be a slight reprise of movement one with a couple of extra galaxies thrown in - just in case there was something bro ray had forgotten to thank jehovah for
so bro ray steps up to the mike - the audience bows it's collective heads and checks it's collective wristwatches
a hush falls over the hall
just about to shut eyes
bro ray begins to speak - " thank you jehovah for " -
then jamie looks at me and says:
"i hope you brought your sleeping bag with you"
did we burst out laughing