Easyreader that is how I remeber the view of apostasy. At the time it really was seen as more of a label for the person who was putting an effort into trying to turn people away. That's the way it came across to me. I am not saying those are the facts it is just the way it was expalined to me as a kid. And our family was full of oh so special office holders. Both sides.
JoinedPosts by buckster
Education and apostasy are the same, right?
by easyreader1970 inover the past year or so, i have noticed that the watchtower has been jumping all over two "threats" to the organization: higher education and apostasy.
many times they speak about them in the same article.
they also have been focusing on them in the assemblies and conventions.
I took my df son and his two df friends to dinner tonite..in my hometown...
by oompa inoh what fun!...i was so hoping some brudda an sistas would be there...or maybe even an elda....but no such luck.
maybe it is all the threads of hurt here recently...usually parents bitchin at or shunning kids....even grown kids and grandkids, but they just make me want to help as many abused kicked to the curb dubs as possible.
i love you guys...............oompa.
Right on oompa. I love hanging out with my uncle who has been df'd since I was about 8. Its even more fun to tell my Mom about the good times we share. She just loooves it...
Making up for time lost.
Excommunication/Disfellowshipping is pagan practice--by request!
by Atlantis inexcommunication/disfellowshipping is pagan practice!--by request!
request from researcher: hi atlantis or n. or whoever!
one of my friends on the board said that she downloaded the 1947 awake pdf that "bereanbiblestudent and invetigator 74" posted, and in the first issue on page 26, it said that excommunication or disfellowshipping was a pagan practice.
What a gem. The greatest command is love. When my kid gets hurt from doing something I tell him not to do I don't let him sit there and bleed. I bandage him up, tell him I told you. The next time it happens we do it again. Do you think you should kick him out of the house bleeding and not allow him back in unless he grovels?
The Watchtower is a brilliant light that just keeps on blinding.
mental health
by martinwellborne insorry if i seem a bit outta sorts, but +#'* me i have had a bad time these past months.
i honestly thought i was condemned to die (deep down i still think i am).
i left the borg about a year ago with my wife and family all intact (or so i thought).
It took me 18 years or so to get to a therapist. One of the best things that I have ever done for myself and my family. I wish that I had done it long before that. You are doing a good thing.
Hang in there. It is not easy to purge the mindset that was instilled. Fear and anxiety was the tool that was used to shape us into the follower that we were. Escaping is all about that battle. It is an escape.
Therapy worked great for me. I still battle with anxiety. I have arrived at an herbal mixture that works well for me in harsher times and my therapist said the choices were good alternatives if they seemed to take the edge off my extreme moments.
The meds are cool just make sure you follow the Doc's instructions.
Do your own research not just on the witnesses but definitely dive into the bible itself and be the Berean. Use different translations. Research what others believe not to adopt the beliefs but to understand how you have been taught how to percieve and what the reality of that actually is.
You are not alone. Many are with you.
Donated blood for the very first time....
by Quirky1 inyup.
i donated my very first time.
wasn't bad at all.. i also get an extra day off work for doing so..
On my Dad's way out he used quite alot of Albumin as they tried to save him. Being a JW he never donated a drop of blood and I doubt would have had he made it. I do not think it was his first time recieving it.
I do not understand how you can refuse to give and yet take. Selfish and shameless. Unthinkable in my mind.
I was very compelled to donate for what my Father took. I am appalled that my relatives that are witnesses cannot see the wrong.
Not the first time I will donate and it will not be the last.
Where does the governing body live?
by tiffy0212 injust wondering if those guys live at bethel or do they have some fancy hide away mansion?
are any of them married?
also would like to know if anyone out there has any pictures of the pyramids that some say are on the top of the watchtower building.
In an ivory tower with flying monkeys and a guy behind a curtain.
Any Dave Matthews Band Fans ?? Your favorite CD's or Songs by Him ??
by flipper ini have enjoyed seeing this musician explode upon the music scene in the last 15 years or so.
his mix of blues, jazz, rock & roll with great musicians playing uncommon instruments seen in a rock band - make his music all the more interesting !
here are some of my favorite cd's and songs by him and his band .
Two more songs I really dig.
Eh Hee
The Maker
Oh hey my tickets are in August not October. Can't wait!
Dogs in field service
by keyser soze inthe thread about angels in the ministry reminded me of this.
there was a lot of rural territory in the congregation that i attended, which meant a lot of houses with dogs out running loose.
some of these dogs were fairly vicious.
I heard that one too wha happen.
We lived in very rural territory growing up. Dogs everywhere. Never bit in field service. Ran into alot of dogs though. Learned to intimidate them first to see whether they thought they were alpha or not. A good stare right in the eyes and with a good pause. Usually let you know if it was a good idea to proceed or not. I said usually.
When surprised by a dog(or more like you suprised the dog) or any other animal wild or domestic I have learned to fight the instinct to freak out an instead become way bigger than the dog as you slowly scoot. If its the junkyard variety however you just better be quick. There is no intimidating the truly insane. And oh boy do they exist.
The one time I was bitten by a dog we were at another witness family's house, Got me pretty good. You know just the family dog.
Any Dave Matthews Band Fans ?? Your favorite CD's or Songs by Him ??
by flipper ini have enjoyed seeing this musician explode upon the music scene in the last 15 years or so.
his mix of blues, jazz, rock & roll with great musicians playing uncommon instruments seen in a rock band - make his music all the more interesting !
here are some of my favorite cd's and songs by him and his band .
My 7 year old son has a great little voice. His favorite DMB song is Gravedigger. Its a trip hearing it sung by his innocent little voice. He has a interesting grasp on deep things this little one.
Any Dave Matthews Band Fans ?? Your favorite CD's or Songs by Him ??
by flipper ini have enjoyed seeing this musician explode upon the music scene in the last 15 years or so.
his mix of blues, jazz, rock & roll with great musicians playing uncommon instruments seen in a rock band - make his music all the more interesting !
here are some of my favorite cd's and songs by him and his band .
Let me clarify. I have worked on other shows but never a DMB.
Would rather watch than work it at this point. However working almost any live show fills you with energy. Its a great rush.