In America when you're arrested a cop states your rights. One of the things your told, "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law". With the elders or any witness this same rule is in effect.
It sounds like the elders will have more than one witness against you if they decide to try to bring you before a judicial commitee. It all depends on what you wrote in the letter to your family. If you wrote about any df'ing worthy matters, I believe the elders will call a judicial commitee. At that point you will have few options.
Go or don't go.
I wouldn't give the elders satisfaction of grillin' me.
You need to decide where you stand on the issues. I suggest finding the web site "beyond jehovah" I don't remember the url but you can go to and search under "beyond jehovah" or "jehovah's witness". Do some more research and then make a firm descion.
You never mentioned if you were baptized or not, it sounds like you are though?
I would say the next move will be the elders. I would try to let fade, don't go to meetings. You said that your moving soon is there any way you can leave earlier? I would get out of town or play it real low key, don't answer the phone, don't answer the door (the elders even showed up at my work place). I wouldn't even stir the pot with the family for a long time, try to let die. If you can just fade away from the whole witness scene, just maybe the elders will let you go with out being shunned.
Maybe one of the old elders on this board can tell you how to avoid the elders til' you leave town. I don't know if the elders can Df' you if they are never able to make contact with you?
Good Luck and let us know what happens.
(of the "they kicked my ass out, and I'm happy about it class")