MY GOODNESS! I can't believe how almost everybody is hating on me for making a vow of celibacy? Not trying to sound like I'm preaching or anything but should we all ignore the fact that fornication isn't exactly on the top of God's list? MAN! You'd think I just confessed my plans to join Bethel or something the way everyone is jumping down my throat! Excuuuuuse me for wanting to not have to worry about crabs, preganancy and wasting money on pricey condoms for awhile. I made my vow and I did it for myself; not for anyone else. Just b/c I don't necessarily believe in the WT anymore does not mean I should just fly off the handle and tottally become this "ohhh, I can have sex, lie,cheat and steal and not have to worry about feeling guilty" mentality. I feel good about my decision. everyone who's hating can BURN. You've all seemed to pay no compassion for the ones who are still young and still stuck in 2 worlds. So much for no judging. -TRESBELLA
JoinedPosts by tresbella
by tresbella in)o.k so last night i made a vow of celibacy to god.
an official promise in prayer to not fornicate so that maybe i too can have a special wedding night.
(my boyfriend was surprisingly supportive) i remember reading a scripture that says a promise made to god should be taken very serious.
I need some answers. Had talk with mother but feeling extremely frustrated
by azaria ina couple of weeks ago i posted: .
for those who don?t want to read the whole post i bolded the part that i would like answers to.
at the moment i?m feeling totally drained and upset.
Maybe nothing will putrightly have her thinking that the society is wrong esp having to do with dates and all but does she know about heir rediculous past teaching like organ transplants being cannibilisitic, vaccinations being against God and charles taze russels weird obsession with pyramids and what's that word that starts with an "A'?? someone help me out here...o.k well can't hink of it but ya'll know what i'm talking about..his obsession with te moos starts and stuff. Show the past articles from zion's wt and stuuf. You can find them all on the internet. There is this article at: www.tower that has this article that does not refute the trinity (that would scare her away) but includes all the so called encyclopedias and wordly articles that the trinity brochure quotes from and how they left out sentences out and moved words around. Even if I was still a wittness full fledged I'd be shock!
How to tell if you are you in a cult....
by Elsewhere in
how to recognize if you are in a .
are you told not to question what is being taught because the leaders are honest and want the best for you so you must trust them.
by tresbella in)o.k so last night i made a vow of celibacy to god.
an official promise in prayer to not fornicate so that maybe i too can have a special wedding night.
(my boyfriend was surprisingly supportive) i remember reading a scripture that says a promise made to god should be taken very serious.
To the last reply and to anyone else that's wondering...I'm not in everyone else's position yet where they had the opputunity to leave the jw's and live their lives how they want to. (unless I wanna live mines in a homeless shelter) Like I always say: 'for secutrity purposes' is why I still do what I have to do and that includes going to meetings, talks and so on making seem like I am just so interested in it all. I need to survive right? I don' t have my college degree yet, no car, no money.(I'm only 21) so until I become independant I can't just say I don't wanna be a wittness anymore and still be able to live at home. So unless anyone has any ideas (besides oh maybe I should move in with a friend..oh yeah like that would really last. Like I really know anyone who would put up with me living rent free in their house. let's not forget the fact that I would have to quit school so I can start working at walmart just so i can get by). And all for what? Just so I can "be true to myself?" I got the rest of my life for that. -TRESBELLA
by tresbella in)o.k so last night i made a vow of celibacy to god.
an official promise in prayer to not fornicate so that maybe i too can have a special wedding night.
(my boyfriend was surprisingly supportive) i remember reading a scripture that says a promise made to god should be taken very serious.
1.)O.K So last night I made a vow of celibacy to God. An official promise in prayer to not fornicate so that maybe I too can have a special wedding night. (my boyfriend was surprisingly supportive) I remember reading a scripture that says a promise made to God should be taken very serious. Anyone have any suggestions in how I can keep it?
2.) Last night at my theocratic meeting the bro. was giving a talk on main points from the district convention so nautrally everyone pulled out their notes. But I noticed that many people had all the same exact notebook with the same cover sheet and notes inside. I've realized that during WT studies and bookstudies many have all the ansewrs including additional ansewrs taken apparently from some type of website. I've heard rumors about websites that give out WT comments as if you're really saying them in your own words and even all ready written up talks. Anybody know of these websites?
3.) Besides your field service history what else is on a publishers card? I heard that when you move to a new congregation (like I myself did 2 years ago but still haven't joined the school) all the problems you had, elder meetings and so on are all recorded on that card. Is that true?
4.) In my old congreagation the elders found out about my boyfriend at the time (I denied everything) and also I was accused of asking too many unnecessary questions and was in risk of "independant thinking" and not "conforming to Jehovah's standards" (this was due to my relentless research and the more I found out about like organ transplants, inconsistincies in the wt and failed prohecies; the more I wanted to speak up ) well it proved uselss but I am suspecting that all this is on my publishers card. The reason I say all this is b/c next week I plan to finally join the school to get my mom off my back. Can I be told that I cannot join b/c of what may be on my publishers card or can I just put on that stepford smile and pretend I'm that perfect angel that the elders want me to be?
5.) Where do you draw the line between being a follower of God and not being one? Is it your actions or faith or both. Can you be an ax murderer and bank robber but at the same time have faith in God and still be considered a follower of God?
6.) Am I still that generation that "may never get old" that I was always told when I was younger or has that changed? I don't hear that expression used anymore?
7.) So why is their crime, violence and everything else bad? Is it b/c God's sovereignty was tested like the WT teaching explains? What is your explanation.
If you don't know the ansewr to a quesiton but you think you know an online article that does please include that. I always have questions and I always get good anewrs from people on here.(If you get a chance please check my "Questions that Need Ansewrs Part 1 topic from about a week ago. THANX!
baptized at 12?
by pennycandy in.
i'm considering what to say to a friend who's thinking about letting her 12 year-old get baptized.
okay, guys, let 'em rip!
NO LIE: I knew a girl in my old congreagation in fla that got baptized at 6. and get this her and all 3 of her sisters began home schooling once they reached the 6th grade. That's middle school people! Thanks to them it was like this sick epidemic where all te "young ones" wanted to get baptitized all at once. unfortunatly thatnks to my mother and the sickness going around I was one of them. But I was 14.
Poll-----Did The Internet Help You Get Out Of The Organization??
by minimus ini read many "apostate" books before i left the "truth".
mentally, i was drifting away for years.
but i do think that the internet really made it easy to see all the evidence that overwhelmingly showed jws do not have the "truth".....was the 'net instrumental in getting you out?
by tresbella ini have some questions so whoever can; please ansewr them:
1. i read an interesting article on line that said that the jw belief that god's name was taken out of the bible is a myth b/c if that was to be the case then every single manuscript that was translated and distributed during bible times had to of been litterally seized in order so that the name could be taken out.
the article was quoted as saying "imagaine that..every manuscript all the thousands that were floating around were hand seized in order for this to be accomplished" it also brought out the point that why would the almighty god be able to keep the bible protected all these hundreds of thousands of years without a single person being able to make it nonexsistent and yet not be able to keep people from tampering with its words?
I have some questions so whoever can; please ansewr them:
1. I read an interesting article on line that said that the JW belief that God's name was taken out of the Bible is a myth b/c if that was to be the case then every single manuscript that was translated and distributed during bible times had to of been litterally seized in order so that the name could be taken out. The article was quoted as saying "imagaine that..every manuscript all the thousands that were floating around were hand seized in order for this to be accomplished" It also brought out the point that why would the almighty God be able to keep the Bible protected all these hundreds of thousands of years without a single person being able to make it nonexsistent and yet not be able to keep people from tampering with its words? Is this true? If so, why is the society so bent on using the name Jehovah and why isn't in anyone else's Bible?
2. Is the D'F rule scriptual? I forgot my notes (I'm at the computer lab) but I can tell you that I read a variey of scriptures about christians that were expelled from the christian congregation during Paul's day for various offenses and there is that scripture that one shouldn't even "say a greeting to that person." Am I right in saying that the SOciety is right on this one?
3. What JW teaching even to this day do you admit is 'the truth.? For example: sex before marriage, homosexuality, divorce, 1914 (ha ha) etc?
4. I've always had much confusion with the story of Dinah. The society always made it seem like it was her own fault that she got raped b/c she wanted to go see 'the daughters of the land' and so on. But there is no Biblical account that shows that Dinah was punished for what she had done or even reprimanded. Is it possible the society has taken this account out of context and used this scripture as another form of control esp. among the women of the wt?
5. O.K here is a big one. The sunday wt was filled with info about be careful about those in the con. and outside who are quoted as being "strangers" the scriputure in John I think that says "do not invite this one in your home" and so on.So basically the wt identified anybody who speaks bad about the wt as a "stranger" and anyone who is a witness is an apostate. What is an APOSTATE! Their defintion is so different then what I found in various encyclopedias.Isn't is simply someone who claims to be a christian but speaks against God. And what about an antichrist? I found a scripure that said that it's 'anyone who says there is no Lord and Jesus christ' or something like that? Am I right? How can anyone believe the society's defintion? It doesn't even sound correct.
Oh my poor Red Sox and my Broken Heart
by confusedjw ini really thought this would be the year.. george has purchased and all-star hitting team and the yankees.
no pitching can stop them.. damn evil empire.. and now pedro will end up a yankee next year on top of it all.. .
i'm going to sulk about this and be miserable for a while.. - red sox nation