thank you, cyba-sis, for pointing out yet another reason why I am so grateful to be out and free. I had forgotten about this craziness - yet I, too, used to believe people were watching me "give a good witness" while I acted weird & did things that were meaningless to most people.
JoinedPosts by mamochan13
the delusion of believing they are "good witnesses"
by cyber-sista ini remember how the org always encouraged us to be a "good witness" by telling others about our jw activities and putting our theocratic interests above everything else.
this is a major jw delusion that anyone who is not a jw will be impressed by our unwavering loyalty to the wt org.
just recently my husband had a family reunion we attended in another state.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-13-05 WT Study (Education)
by blondie inreview comments will be in red
wt material from todays wt will be in black
quotes from other sources will be blue
Can't add much, blondie. Well done as usual. As you already know, this topic riles me. In a way I would have liked to have been at a meeting today, make a few barbed comments of my own. *sigh*
I only hope the article motivates a few more to see the light and escape.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-6-05 WT Study (Judgment)
by blondie inkeep on the watch!
this warning: "keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day.
true christians--only jws.
"I hope my comments are helpful"
Blondie - your comments are extremely helpful! Thank you.
What you said about having a following at the hall and having people miss your comments rings true for me too. It seems ironic that doing research and trying to make a valuable contribution at the meeting can lead to questioning what is in the magazine and to a true "spiritual awakening"
Article criticising Mennonites for shunning
by kwintestal inin the last few months there was an article in the wt or asleep!
about the mennonites or amish, and it mentioned how awful it was that these groups shunned members.. i can't for the life of me find it on this site, or on .
i need this for a project i'm working on.
I couldn't believe what I was reading and had to go check my personal copy of the Sept 1 WT (not that I don't trust you, elsewhere!). That they have the gall to print something like this makes me just shake my head in amazement. I guess it's OK to condemn another religion for doing the exact same thing they do, because they have THE TRUTH!!!
i called bethel RE: voting...
by in a new york bethel minute in.
still not a conscience matter... although for the countries that demand that everyone register and actually walk in the booth to cast a vote, a witness may, if his conscience allows, register and go into the booth and add a new box labelled "jesus christ", then checkmark that box and vote for him... hahaha cool eh?!!!.
But if a JW were to vote on a non-politcal issue (examples: should a school levy be passed? vote for bonds to pay for an new park?), that would be OK. The vote is to determine where money is allocated, and has nothing to do with neutrality (i.e., not voting and in effect saying "I place my trust in this elected official"
yes, this was the case when I was younger. Our community had a plebiscite on flouridation of water and my mother was told she could vote since it had nothing to do with government operations.
Never really understood the distinction. Do you vote for the guy who promises not to put flouride in your water or do you vote for the decision he & his elected colleagues make to not put flouride in the water once they are already in office?
Benefits of being a Dub as a child
by pratt1 in.
i can't think of many benefits of growing up a a dub but i do remember that i always viewed the other dub kids as brorthers and sisters and they became my support system amongst the "worldly people".
i remember going into a new neighhood or a new school and knowing that once i met the dub kids there, i would automatically have friends and i would not be alone.. this was especially comforting to me because i was an only child, and many times i entered into a new school not knowing anyone and sometimes being the only black kid in the class, my dub peers made me feel welcome and accepted me into the circle immediately.. for many years i feel special to be part of this worldwide brotherhood, and i am sure it is the reason why now i am inafriad of changes and/or new surroundings.. did you have similar experiences?.
yes, I think you do have the "club" experience of "instant friends" in other organizations. Its different in several ways, though.
JW's share a bond that is cultural, familial, religious, social, and it can go back generations. The bond touches at the most deeply-guarded portion of ourselves, so it feels much closer.
I find an instant bond with individuals who attend the same university I do, or who speak the same language in a foreign country, or who were born in the same home town - but it is based on only a single criteria. JW's bond goes much deeper and is more complex. It often crosses all cultural and geographical lines. I respect that connection and find it an interesting topic for research.
But where would you find a comparative bond? I would suggest that any high-control-type cult/religion that touches most aspects of individual and family lifestyle would have a similar connection - Mormons, moonies, Christian scientist...etc.
What was your favorite thing about being a witness?
by dezpbem inwhile i didn't like being a jw there were 1 or 2 good points.
what was your favorite thing about being a jw?.
mine was all the parties and social gatherings we had.
yeah...the friendships were good. I liked being able to travel to a foreign country and have instant friends.
That connection exists among people who share other common features, but the JW bond was the easiest and most instantaneous.
Feeling crappy...
by calico inmy husband says that i should da myself because i talk to you guys!
conditional love, anyone!
well...Calico...Maybe you should!!!
No one should have to live in fear of listening to an alternative viewpoint - regardless of whether they perceive it as truth or not.
Don't let conditional love get you down.(((calico)))
I'm livid & angry & sick!!!
by mamochan13 ini've finally had the opportunity to read the october 1, 2005 watchtower regarding education.
even though this board had already prepared me for what i was going to be seeing, it still surprised me.
i cannot believe that they are still demonizing post secondary education.
I've finally had the opportunity to read the October 1, 2005 Watchtower regarding education. Even though this board had already prepared me for what I was going to be seeing, it still surprised me. I cannot believe that they are still demonizing post secondary education. I cannot believe that thinking, reasonable people could possibly still be accepting this crap. My generation has paid a terrible price for the anti-education fervor that accompanied the 1975 debacle. These individuals are all now parents who are reading the article, "parents-what future do you want for your children?". We are the one's who gave up high school to go pioneering, who tried to carve out careers as janitors, who found ourselves with nothing - no education, no skills, no job. And they expect that these parents are going to buy this renewed attack on education?
Sorry for the rant...I can barely see straight right now, I'm so angry. It hurts me so much to remember how much I've lost, only now regaining. When I think what my life could be now, if I had not listened to this same garbage a generation ago.
My family, my brother and sister, they should have learned their lesson - and their kids are all in university or college. But they are still fully embracing the JW way of thinking. I keep wondering how they will justify this at this weekend's study, when all the judgemental little people put their hands up and comment about the "cost of higher education" and condemn parents who "knowingly expose" their children to the horrible university environment steeped in "immorality and bad behaviour" so they can "indulge in selfish pursuits" chasing a "glamorous" career in order to become "rich and influential"--only to be faced with the "chilling scenario" of not finding employment that matches their degree!
It makes me sick, and so angry. Why does it still bother me so much after all this time?
Thanks for letting me vent.
I can't read the WT and AWAKE anymore
by Jez inhundreds of supplementary publications written by unnamed authors that can hide behind the watchtower and bible tract society and say anything without referencing it.
lately, i have been thinking that this is one of the reasons that the society does not encourage higher education.
try handing in an essay without your name on it, try not referencing your essay, try having no works cited, try to have only 1 works cited, try quoting out of context, try spewing statistics or numbers or trends in your essay with no reference or date, add ellipsis that only alert your instructor to the potential of hidden information, or try presenting as support for your thesis a third party quote.
agreed!!! I get sooo irritated by their refusal to reference sources. That, in itself, removes all credibility (as if we needed more evidence).