I agree with everything everyone has said thus far...and especially about the police and manpower put into searching for her.....that was alot of money paid for by who??? US the loyal taxpayers....
Another thing...having been a part of quite a few weddings myself...even tho I'm quite sure they're all relieved that the lady is ok....if i was one of the bridesmaids or groomsmen....i'd be kinda a little pissed too having put out money for things that being that the wedding was supposed to be THIS weekend, I'm sure they had fully paid for dresses and tuxes already....and not to mention all the money paid for family and friends to travel from whereever they traveled from....
Just too many people were affected by this little stunt. I personally had already put the blame on poor fiance'. But, I was wrong. I guess she had watched Runaway Bride too many times...but at least Julia waited until she was actually at the wedding....hmmm but would that be worse or better???
Just my lil 2 cents