Wfury - it is the same with my mother: let her go to the grave happy in her delusions. It is sooo hard not to drop the same shitty sarcasm that is on the tip of her tongue for everybody else's religions.
i sent my dad the fred franz talk "my story" when he somewhat candidly discusses the failed prophecies, 1925 etc.
i was hoping it would plant a seed of doubt in his heart.
however my parents eat sleep and breathe wt.
Wfury - it is the same with my mother: let her go to the grave happy in her delusions. It is sooo hard not to drop the same shitty sarcasm that is on the tip of her tongue for everybody else's religions.
religions, in general, did not inspire people to be good, because the means they used was illogicality.
for example: one religion teaches: humans became sinners through one man, and would become righteous through another man.
no answer!
Buddhism does not believe in the existence of supernatural beings. Even an atheist can be "holy" and truly spiritual.
It does not depend on belief in fairies in the sky or otherwise. Spirituality is the ultimate expression of the human race. It transcends creeds and even time.
mine is:.
their god is a petulant, pschopathic, genocidal sociopath.
he requires them to teach lies as a sign of loyalty (see nov 15 study wt on knorr, and 20 pages later).
MIne is:
Their god is a petulant, pschopathic, genocidal sociopath. He requires them to teach LIES as a sign of loyalty (see Nov 15 Study WT on Knorr, and 20 pages later)
All science that proves their lies to be false is forbidden to them.
Their god will kill everybody that knows the myths in the Babble are lies too.
According to the Kingdumb Misery the elduhs must convene a JC in thes circumstances or the Congo is blood guilty. ( that means god will kill all your children you and the old folks at the hall, as vengeance for spilling innocent blood - even if you were not there at the incident )
remember the guy who was DF because his dog attacked s.o? He was out at work and not there to prevent it, but the eldughs said it was his dog so he was responsible.
was it really put up to help doctors and patients deal with the blood issue or to talk more jws in to taking fractions components and hemopure?.
It was just a means to ensure that wiltlesses DIE rather than take blood or any fraction of it. The role has morphed over time, so that now elduhs are coercing people into violating their own conscience, just to save the Witchtower Babble and Trash Society even more embarrassing exposure.\
i had listened to the degrading talk by gb heard (on women) & watched a video on evie bklyn channel & there was alot of interesting questions that are raised.. i had always wondered why can't women in the hall handle mics or run magazine counter etc.?
but they (if annointed) will rule in heaven with jesus.
that is a pretty heavy responsibility to help jesus rule millions of people on earth, but yet they can't pass a mic or even run the sound system in the kh.
Rebel8 -
At last you have had your rebelation!
The kitchen is indeed the woman's place, when not on a bed spreading her legs for her Lord And Master.
Cup cakes were invented so you would remember your bra size.
And of course arithmetic, so you can measure correct quantities of ingredients for your Lord And Master's food, so he has the energy to impregnate you and 'make you pregnant with semen." (NWT - the question of what the hell else could get a woman pregnant so it needs spelling out is another question. On which this lil' ol' brain would just bust trying to work it all out, you know, as we all is soo pure and innocent, just lyin there with our eyes shut.)
In heaven, remember, there ain't no premenstrual moody hormonal shiksas, so that is why rebel8tion says there was "silence in heaven for a whole half hour."
used this method to logically convince my friend who is also dfd of one of many reasons as to why i shall never return and he agreed.
let me know if anything is false or misleading and we can revise :).
blood transfusions:.
I am doomed under the Ten Commandments, as my neighbour has a gorgeous ASS - sorry it's revised now DONKEY - and I covet it every time I get a babe-o-rama view.
- it's amazing to track the confusion and stupidity contained in wt articles.
- in only one watchtower you can find multiple contradictory statements, and representations of truth that are simply lies made up on the fly.
- as an example the nov,15 2014 wt has the following quotes : -.
By the time they read what is 20 pages later in the same Bible Comic, they have totally forgotten what they read in a previous article in the same rag.
Same with the two Witchtowers on 607. The first article showed why we can trust all the original sources that prove 539 as Babylon's conquest: "these sources are sooo reliable you must believe what we say about them."
The second article in a later rag ( by then the sheeples have forgotten the first ) shows why we cannot trust all the original sources that prove 587 as Jerusalem's conquest: "these sources are sooo unreliable you must believe what WE SAY!!!!!"
We is de slabe. You obeys us you is good good good. You doubts us you is BAD BAD BAD. (can we hear jehoobies little petulant foot stamping?)
i know some of you are in the field and many others are hobbyists and enthusiasts.. aside from a tablet/smart phone os, what were they thinking?.
i don't know a single desktop user (e.g.
architects, engineers running autocad, solid works, etc.
The simple fact that Microsoft needs to keep on advertising advertising advertising the new incarnation of Windows speaks volumes.
Apple doesnt need this saturation bombing....
source: supplied.
source: supplied.
source: supplied.
The sublingual footage of the guy with GI haemorrage, doesnt explain WHY the blood was not circulating well after the transfusion. What were the facts of his case.
This is propaganda to save money, and reduce transfusions due to shortages.
There is still no efffective substitute, and as stated by the BMA your chances of dying due to a transfusion related problem is now LESS than being killed by lightning.
They should be doing something about the thousands of people dying from drugs alcohol and smoking, which far exceeds those who die after a transfusion - many of these are already so seriously ill there is no proof that they died directly as a result of the blood cells given them.
Remember too that the Witchtower loves to talk of bloodless surgery and surviving it - most surgeons would not even consider bloodless surgery unless the patient had a good blood count already. And now that witlesses are suing doctors who do bloodless and the patient dies (see other threads on this) they will be even less willing to put their career of saving lives on the line.
Sometimes there is NO CHOICE but to use blood.