Hi Bleep, I wanted to refute some things you have written.
Today, Jehovah's Witnesses continue the teaching and disciple-making work arranged by Jesus.
No they don't. Jesus explicitly taught people to give what they had to the poor, and also to 'do the same' as the Samaritan (Jesus) by helping the injured (including knowing how to), whom you have no worldly arranged duty to help, and additionally pay for their continued health and well-being. Dubs don't do that, or, if rarely they do, it is generally far less thatn most other religions. Oh, and they'll proclaim it for publicity too. As for what they teach, they apply the spiritual teachings to fleshly uses. At best they consider spirituality to be morality ( not to mention how the world is continually going to be destroyed anyday now).
They respect the right of others to have their own religion.
I personally know of dubs, those nearest to our home, who treat a certain catholic horribly, such as they would not their own, bad as they are - makes the other dubs in the area smile too. I suppose I should also mention how their every second sermon includes the bad evil other religions. Respect, NO - tolerate perhaps. (PS I really don't appreciate reading any stinking type jovy use / lying style English).
Yes, they use honest reasoning from the Scriptures.
They're not even close - after the respect thing I won't be going there for now until you can reason the truth about some single words for starters.
The 'truth' as they call it is simply a trough.
Was I a little scathing? That's about as easy as i could go after reading what you wrote - maybe I'll be nicer another time.