That's exactly why the jw god
- requires you to earn your way
- has 'news' that comes with an IF (it's not even news, but a deal with an image)
- can be doing the right thing and be uncaring and uncharitable all at the same time
- wants to burn everyone who insults their 'intelligence' which shames their grandiosity
- requires physical appearance as necessary to impress converts (more people like them)
- blames the 'wicked system' for issues of charity and honour
- is into judging everyone for their sins all the time
- doesn't care for people who are 'bad'
- is continually impatient, and he wants to get everyone who doesn't think he's the smartest, very soon, real soon, anyday now, he's up in the sky, on his way...
I suppose that's why he's a plainly avoided bundle of dreamed up bad news and lies, here to impose his will on those who are supposed to be under the thumb and not meant to have a truly free will.
And on the portrayal - Satan is easily seen as more undesirable - the jw god has the character of the devil in the image of the elders - arrogant though completely in the dark, due to the prime importance of maintaining pride - chained there in a sense, not just unable to let go as with the average jo, but held tight by fear of loss and shame, desire for reward, and the pride of having earnt their way.
Edited by - Bang on 22 July 2002 1:1:19