Joseph writes to Yeru:
<< So you put your faith in men, not the Bible? If that's what you mean, then are not Catholics similar to Jehovah's Witnesses, who put their faith in men, their organization, and their interpretations? >>
Bang adds:
Well, No, the understood Word and the ways of life that followed (traditions) were in place before the 'Bible' was utilised as such. There wasn't really much 'interpreting' going on as everyone kinda knew what being a Christian was, but it was when confronted by those who wanted a different way that the 'interpretations' and statement positions came into it.
It's much the same these days, that everyone kinda knows how to be a Christian and the way a Christian lives, but again those who are fixated on 'interpreting' don't really want to be a Christian so much as get something, or escape a feared punishment, so people again are called to account on their positions, which many can't really explain too easily. JWs put their faith in another round of men who have dissented from the mind of Christianity, and follow ways that clash with the original values that are understood by people all over.