You forgot some of the 'good news',
"The unburied dead, "those slain by Jehovah," will be so enormously many that even the carrion birds and scavenging wild beasts could never take care of their consumption. The burial of even what remains after these lower creatures have their fill would be stupendous. Doubtless the Almighty God will use some highly scientific means, whether including antimatter or not, to dispose of the surplus of decaying bodies in a speedy and sanitary way. This remains for the survivors of the "war of the great day" to see and witness. We remember that Noah and his seven fellow survivors of the global Deluge were not burdened with burying the human victims of that world catastrophe after they came out of the ark and renewed Jehovah’s worship on earth.—Genesis 8:18-22."
What a relief. People shouldn't have to stay up at night and worry about things like that.
"So it is reasonable to expect that God will dispose of excess bodies by other means."
Glad that the org. knows about how reasonable God is - he's probably as kind as those people in the bulldozers in those 'world at war' shots. Talk about Love.
"and "majestic ones" will "howl," yes, roll about on the ground."
Some good diversion therapy when they're sittin' with DAD.