Staying Alive until 75! All over again. These sheep just don't learn from their own history. Oh, wait, they aren't encouraged to look at their own history!
JoinedPosts by BrendaCloutier
Official GB spin on decreases. (serious)
by yesidid ini just received an email from a faithful witness, re their co's visit.
"our co just came back from two months co training.
he said there were two important things headquarters want the brothers to know:.
It's NOT a TUMOR................
by Sunnygal41 injust a cyst that has decided to perch on my eyebrow bone and is maybe invading my, tomorrow, i see an opthamologist who will let me know exactly what is what and when the surgery will be........wierd thing is at first, i was in shock since it was the last thing i expected to hear.
i had gone to my allergist, since the thing had been swelling and then it would go down.......i thought it had something to do with sinuses or allergies, but, after sticking his pincers in my ears, nose and gagging me with a tongue depresser, then quite vigorously palpating the now unswollen, but still visible lump, he stated that i had a cyst and it had to come out....but, since it was out of his field he was sending me to another dr. so, after i got home, i grabbed the vacuum cleaner and vacuumed the whole house, then i got on the 'phone and called my mom, my boyfriend's mom, and another adopted mom to let them know what was going on.......then, i ate supper, watched tv and went to sleep.
i'm not depressed or anxious.......i've actually been joking about it with coworkers, etc.
(((( Sunnygal )))) Seems to be a bright spring day for you! I'm so happy for you.
Update on Ian -- still in hospital, getting a little stronger
by Alleymom ini posted a short update on ian on this week's vigil thread:.
he's been in the hospital since march 16th.
Great news! Thank you Alleymom and Claire for the updates.
an "Adult's" View.
by RichieRich inhere i sit, in my public library, typing away a computer from a hot nasty seat.. but i wouldn't be anywhere else in the world right now.
(okay, maybe a couple of other places).
i have to be at work in 40 minutes, and its a 15 minute drive from here, so lets not expect a novel of a post.. yesterday was my birthday, and they did a little cake thing for me and all that which was nice, but otherwise, nothing is new.. my mother seems to be cooling off, but lets just say that the "excrement flinging fan" hasn't been turned off yet.. i'm 18 now, and nothing is different.
(((( Richie ))))) dear.
As much as I'd like to think I was all growed up when I was 18, I was far from it! When I got married at 18-1/2 the only thing that really changed is that I moved out of the house and had a husband telling me what to do instead of parents. And no one to clean up after me. Frankly, I don't think I really grew up, and became an adult until I was around 35 years old! some of us just don't.
Yeah, I bet life sucks right now. Just remember, it will change! that's the good news. The bad news is when life is going great, and you're on top of the world, that will change, too. dammit. That's part of what this life is about.
Take care. I appreciate you keeping us posted on your current events.
Sewing machines - a sign of the time of the end?
by Bonnie_Clyde inclyde seems to think that the wt a long time ago referred to sewing machines as a sign that the end was near.
i don't remember.. anyone here recall anything like that?
Russell was waaayyyy offff. Doesn't he know that chimpanzee's found using tools is THE sign of the end?
anyone here know their IQ
by orbison11 in.
just wondering if any here know their iq?.
my son, just recently coming back into my life, told me he had his done,,,,and i was wondering,,any here know of theirs, and how it might have affected their lives, their outlook, etc.
The best IQ tests are non-written. No trains heading toward each other, just problem solving using objects.
I'm going to an HRI conference in ENGLAND!! :-)
by Cady inmy prof wrote me and invited me to attend this conference:
i'm in absolute heaven!!
i don't imagine i'll have much free time, but if anyone's close by maybe we could grab a drink?
((( Cady ))) That is sooooo kewl! Enjoy your trip.
How ya been? Havent seen ya since the ApostFest in Portland in November! Hugs girl.
4/20 - smoke'em if ya got'em
by BrendaCloutier inaccepted origin
, high times magazine, the marijuana-logues, and the straight dope claim that in the early 1970s, a group of teenagers at san rafael high school in san rafael, california used to meet every day after school at 4:20 p.m. to smoke marijuana at the water tower.
one piece of evidence supporting an origin of the term from the time 4:20 is the fact that the number is always said "four twenty" and not "four hundred twenty.
I'm no longer in the "drug scene", but I am in the medical marijuana scene. Still, today is a sacred day for us MMJ takers. I started my morning out with a dropperful of MMJ tincture in my coffee because I woke up in pain with a migraine. I didn't realize it was 420!
UPDATE 2: Since Freedom is Free, Why is it Taxed?
by RichieRich inyesterday after school i had to go work on a project with friends.
mom said be home by 5, but there was a huge accident a mile from where i live, and i sat on the road for like 10 - 12 minutes, and was 5 minutes late getting home.
mom was there (didn't go to work- guess why) and she was pissed.
One of the things I did for myself when I was living in fear with husband #2 who was violent and abusive (and threatened to kill me) was:
Packed up my troubles in my old kit bag: packed an emergency bag with clean underwear and sox, extra toiletries, an extra copy of my phone book, some $$ and some quarters for the phone. This took a surprising amount of weight and worry off my shoulders!
I stored these in the trunk of my car under the spare tire. I had an extra car key made and wired it to the frame of the car. I had an extra house key made and kept it in the fuse box of the car. That way I could always get in and no one else knew where the keys were.
The fuse box and under the carpet are good places to hide cash too.
I opened a bank account and had direct deposti made to both our joint acct, and to my private account with a different bank. Unfortunately, the bank did not withhold my checks for willcall and mailed them, alerting my husband of my actions. I got a beating for it, and I went in the next day and showed the bank manager my bruises. I closed the account and opened a PO box and another bank account elsewhere.
UPDATE 2: Since Freedom is Free, Why is it Taxed?
by RichieRich inyesterday after school i had to go work on a project with friends.
mom said be home by 5, but there was a huge accident a mile from where i live, and i sat on the road for like 10 - 12 minutes, and was 5 minutes late getting home.
mom was there (didn't go to work- guess why) and she was pissed.
I can appreciate charging you room and board. I cannot appreciate taking YOUR money and YOUR property if it is not illegal and you paid for it. This is just wrong.
Time to go to the school counselor regarding religious abuse and discuss your options of remaining in school and graduating, and getting out of the house on your own. Difficult to do if you don't have your savings and arent allowed any more money than your expenses.
Do you have a relative you can live with?
Ritchie, this is probably one of the toughest time in your life that you'll ever have to experiene. You have your head set squarely on your shoulders, but that doesn't mean that this stuff isn't really scary. Hang in there. I'm sending love and hugs and possitive vibes.