JoinedTopics Started by behemot
Finland: move to reinstate national service for JWs
by behemot inmove to reinstate national service for jehovahs witnessesdefence committee chair jussi niinisto says the preferential treatment granted to jehovahs witnesses is difficult to rationalise to other conscientious objectors.
a kingdom hall is a place of worship used by jehovah's witnesses.
image: yle jussi niinisto, who chairs parliaments defence committee, is demanding that the military service exemption granted to the jehovahs witnesses be abolished.
Serena Williams wants a man of her faith
by behemot in
serena williams wants a man of her faith start node-story.tpl.php serena: 'i think it's important when you marry to be evenly yoked'posted wed, 2012-03-28 17:32 by tracy scottlike most women, serena williams wants a man wholl adore her, respect her and be faithful, but she also has another requirement for any future love interest.
he must be a jehovahs witness.. i think its important when you marry to be evenly yoked, said serena, who is currently working toward becoming a member of that faith.. ive been studying to be a jehovahs witness, so i go to kingdom hall, she told s2s publisher jamie foster brown.
St. Petersburg (Russia): court rules blood to be given to child
by behemot incourt overturns jehovah's witnesses blood ban16:11 28/03/2012st.
petersburg, march 28 (ria novosti)doctors at a st. petersburg hospital had to ask a court to sanction a blood transfusion for a child whose parents, members of the jehovahs witnesses religion, had refused to give permission on religious grounds, city child rights commissioner svetlana agapitova said on wednesday.
on monday a car ran down three pedestrians in central st. petersburg, including a woman with a baby in a stroller.. .
JW suicide in Brooklyn
by behemot inbrooklyn man leaps 15 stories to his deathtext messages to his son indicated suicidal thoughts: copsby kerry burke & sarah armaghan.
new york daily news.
wednesday, december 28 2011, 4:56 pm.
A new Rosa Parks challenges fundamentalists in Israel
by behemot in,7340,l-4163399,00.html.
Former JW Elder who sexually abused teenager gets only 6 months
by behemot indavid nelson, a former elder at the madison park congregation jehovah's witness church in phoenix, admitted to authorities that he sexually abused a teenage boy on several occasions in the early 1980s.. with a confession from the suspect, it seems like a slam-dunk case but not for the maricopa county attorney's office, which brokered a slap-on-the-wrist plea agreement that nelson signed, the terms of which landed him in county jail for six months.
in addition to the jail time, nelson was sentenced to three years' probation and must register as a sex offender.. when asked for an explanation of the seemingly light sentence, mcao spokesman jerry cobb told new times that among other reasons the victim in the case (whom we'll refer to as kevin) was okay with the plea agreement.that wasn't true.
in fact, after learning nelson had pleaded guilty to two reduced charges not the six class-two felonies on which he was initially indicted kevin tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head just four days after nelson pleaded guilty.. "thirty-one days [kevin] had a tube down his throat [in the hospital following the march 12 suicide attempt].
NY rabbi ascribes earthquake to gay activism
by behemot innew york city's rabbi yehuda levin, who recently blamed the murder of an eight year-old boy on the passage of same-sex marriage, says that yesterday's earthquake expressed god's great disgust with gay activism.
"one of the reasons that god brings earthquakes to the world is because of the transgression of homosexuality.
the talmud states, 'you have shaken your male member in a place where it doesn't belong.
Palermo (Italy): JW donates her organs
by behemot inaccording to this article (in italian), a 56 y. o. jehovahs witness, dying for cerebral hemorrhage, donated her liver, kidneys and cornea.
the article says that the peculiarity of this multi-organ withdrawal is that the donor was a jehovahs witness.
for jws, in fact, donation is a matter of individual conscience, given that all organs and tissue must be completely bloodless..
Cambridge: JW tries to entice 11 y. o. boy into having sex
by behemot ina jehovah's witness who tried to get an 11-year-old boy to have sex with him turned himself in to police after being told to by counsellors.. cambridge crown court heard kirk lefcovitch, 25, had repeatedly asked the child to perform sexual acts, as well as handing him pornography and sex toys.. despite his admissions, and previous convictions against a boy aged 8 in 2000, he was spared jail.. sara walker, prosecuting, said: in december last year mr lefcovitch asked the 11-year-old to expose himself, and the boy refused.. the defendant then offered to show the boy his privates, to which the boy replied that he didnt want to see it.. he then showed the victim some porn and told him he wanted to have sex with him.. there were occasions when the two spoke on the phone, and mr lefcovitch also made inappropriate comments then.. the court heard that lefcovitch had made a full confession to police, who were previously unaware of the incident, after being advised to do so by a counsellor at cambridges centre 33 an organisation which gives advice to young people aged up to 25.. georgina gibbs, mitigating, said: it is a very rare occurrence for an offender of this type to put themselves at risk and report themselves.. the defendant has been receiving help from centre 33 and his jehovahs witness group.. he is trying to go down a different course in his life.
he has thrown away all his porn and has been deliberately excluding himself from activities which could have him in close proximity to youngsters.. lefcovitch, of the brook, sutton, was described in a pre-sentence report as a serious risk to children.. he has a previous conviction from 2000 for a string of sexual assaults on an 8-year-old boy.. judge anthony bate said: there was clearly an intention for the offence with the 11-year-old to go further than it did, but the prison sentences suggested in my guidelines would not be long enough for you to complete a sex offenders course in prison.. judge bate instead ordered lefcovitch to take part in the thames valley programme, which is a community sex offender group work course.. lefcovitch was also made the subject of a 3-year community order with supervision requirements, and he must pay 400 court costs.. source: