I have this issue too. I finally decided that I just am not dealing well with not having kids to take care of, big meals to cook and I still believe I might be able to wear that really cute outfit I wore 20-25 yrs ago. Frequently when I do get to the point I can discarde something, I worry I could have used it and sometimes that is true--I threw out something I shouldn't have. I am not a bad hoarder like you see on TV, no nasty house or bugs etc but I have shoes and clothes from 25 yrs ago that I just can't get rid of. They are piled on beds and 2 rooms in my house are almost unusable b/c of clutter. Our bedroom has about 6 boxes of clothes on the floor , top or dressers and in closets right now. We can still use it however. Also, I noted something else I am doing. When I do get the ability to throw out-- I'll be darn If I don't go buy more to replace ii.
I read recently that one way to De- clutter is by asking yourself " Does this item make me feel cherished ? I know that sounds hippy dippy but it sort of resounds with me. I started looking at piles of clothes and I think it might work. I intend to give that method a try.
Selling things on ebay or amazon requires I mail them out and dealing with a buyer. I would almost rather put a "free" sign on them in the yard.
saw this topic and just needed to vent