Ok, I am going to try to explain something that I remember from my childhood.
On Christmas Eve, the family would gather around the kitchen table or around Grandpa's recliner. He would have the family Bible in his hand, it was time for our bedtime story. The only story he would read for us that night was the Christmas Story, the birth of Jesus Christ. All of us kids would wait the whole year for this one special night. It was better than our Christmas presents under the tree or what Santa was bringing. That is the best Christmas memory I have. Yes I agree to a certain point that Christmas has gotten to commercial but at the same time, the only people we have to blame is ourselves. We elect governmental officials into office, And they take out God, Jesus in schools, work place, all most everywhere. But they still take an oath with the word "God" in there. If we are ever going to fix this we have to start with ourselves. And remember the true reason for the season. It should not be based on how much money you spend on each other or the latest hi-tech electronics. This country was found on a new Christianity, we need to remember that!
Thanks for my say,
Just a note I was never a JW, I married into that cult, and it ruined my marriage. I have always believed in the Bible and in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.