From the New World Translation.2 Corinthians 1 verse 22 He has put this seal upon us and has given us the token of what is to come that is the spirit in our hearts. From this its saying its some future event when a christian receives the holy spirit.
My New english bible says. who has placed his mark of ownership upon us, and who has given us the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the guarantee of all that he has in store for us. A different meaning here we allready have the Holy Spirit
Your comments would be appreciated its for my ex wife and she is trying to understand the JW position. Barry
Posts by barry
When does a christian receive the Holy Spirit?
by barry infrom the new world translation.2 corinthians 1 verse 22 he has put this seal upon us and has given us the token of what is to come that is the spirit in our hearts.
from this its saying its some future event when a christian receives the holy spirit.. my new english bible says.
who has placed his mark of ownership upon us, and who has given us the holy spirit in our hearts as the guarantee of all that he has in store for us.
Are There Any Episcopalians Out There?
by Robdar inokay, the episcopalians are out to convert me.
i have recently made a couple of new friends, both episcopalian, and they are eager for me to attend one of their services.
they have nothing but good things to say about their church and its members.
I think Aussiepost is an episcopalian and I havent seen him commenting here he might soon. When I was a school student a long time ago I used to go to Anglican scripture they allways started with the Apostals creed sthe eastern churches dont have the Apostals creed just the nicean creed and the creed of Athanasius. Over here we call them Anglicans or the church of england.Barry
Are There Any Episcopalians Out There?
by Robdar inokay, the episcopalians are out to convert me.
i have recently made a couple of new friends, both episcopalian, and they are eager for me to attend one of their services.
they have nothing but good things to say about their church and its members.
The Queen is Episcopalian except when she goes accross the border to Scotland where she automaticly becomes Presbyterterian. The Episcopalians have 39 articals of faith which are basic christian beleifs. They are fairly flexible my wife and I got married in that church the priest was the only episcopalian there all the rest were SDA and catholic. Thje sda and the catholics have funny idears about marrying people but we still had to go to their classes for a whole day with other pre marriage people. Barry
Go Theocratic War.... fair???
by kelpie ingo theocratic warfare!!
i thought i would update you all... .
i have officially "moved" out from my flat that "shared" with a male... .
Kim, The rules in this house are that you are suppost to spend time with the family, we never see you, I know you work hard and have a boyfriend but it wood If you would at least have a meal with sometime. Barry
Elder calls this site apostate
by barry inas some of you may know my ex wife has been studying with the witnesses, and has allways had a soft spot for the wt teaching of neutrality in wartime.
ive been sending her information from this site with issues i feel are important such as silent lambs, blood,the two witness issue and shunning.
anyway she has been useing the information to ask questions one elder after reading information from here said that he shouldnt be reading apostate literature.
Thanks everyone for youre comments they are greatly appreciated and helpfull. Thanks detective for such a good site iv printed off some stuff to send to the exwife. This is for my exwife she phones me up occasionally. We allways get on OK I just dont want anyone of these groups to deceive her the way they do to others. Barry
Elder calls this site apostate
by barry inas some of you may know my ex wife has been studying with the witnesses, and has allways had a soft spot for the wt teaching of neutrality in wartime.
ive been sending her information from this site with issues i feel are important such as silent lambs, blood,the two witness issue and shunning.
anyway she has been useing the information to ask questions one elder after reading information from here said that he shouldnt be reading apostate literature.
Ive never heard of coonites before now but from what my ex wife said they dont have bible studies and you have to go to the meetings they hold to learn what they beleive also they sing very old hymns and that is all I know what I have been told. Barry
Elder calls this site apostate
by barry inas some of you may know my ex wife has been studying with the witnesses, and has allways had a soft spot for the wt teaching of neutrality in wartime.
ive been sending her information from this site with issues i feel are important such as silent lambs, blood,the two witness issue and shunning.
anyway she has been useing the information to ask questions one elder after reading information from here said that he shouldnt be reading apostate literature.
As some of you may know my ex wife has been studying with the witnesses, and has allways had a soft spot for the WT teaching of neutrality in wartime. Ive been sending her information from this site with issues I feel are important such as silent lambs, blood,the two witness issue and shunning. Anyway she has been useing the information to ask questions one elder after reading information from here said that he shouldnt be reading apostate literature. The ex is going to another religious convention this weekend a group called the Coonites who dont beleive the trinity and wear old fashoned clothes. I just wonder where she will end up. Barry
Are You An "Apostate" Or Are You Just...
by minimus insome here are viewed as full-fledged "apostates".
others are "weak" and curious.
what about you?
Ive been accused of being a Brinsmead and a fordite in my own religion we dont have apostates. So im thinking of getting into the JW religion just so I can get an apostate recongnition. Barry
The Watchtower is Pagan - Not Us!
by nonjwalltheway inthe jw's say anything that is a threat to their religion to be of pagan origin.
anything that detracts the brainwashed "little flock" away from studying their watchtower magazines is considered to be of pagan origin.
they even have something on the official watchtower website about cross country skiing and its pagan origins.
Beleiving in a god is pagan does that mean we shouldnt beleive in god. Barry
Reformed Episcopal View of Christ
by thepreacher innecessity of the old testament in understanding the work of christ
by curtis i. crenshaw .
i n the volume of the book, it is written of christ (
Pelagian was a Irish or Scottish monk who beleived we could be perfect if we followed the example of Christ her on earth. It was said Pelagans mind was befuddled by too much porridge because of this beleif. Barry