Some here are viewed as full-fledged "apostates". Others are "weak" and curious. What about you?
Are You An "Apostate" Or Are You Just...
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
are you a plain m&m or nuts????????????
You know what the word apostate means.
I suggest that most posters here that don't believe that the WTS is what they claim to be are apostate.
Wouldn't you agree, knowing what the word means?
In fact, isn't it true that anyone that changes his/her mind on what they believe is an apostate.
Whether it's religion, political or anything else one puts a belief in?
ps. Yes. I'm an apostate.
Whose definition of apostate are we using?
And when you say some are weak and curious, do you mean they are VIEWED as spiritually weak by the congregation of JW's?
I wear the "apostate" label with a smirk. Whatever they wanna call me, they can -- because I"m STUBBORN about not going back. I think it just makes me free to decide my own course using my God-given mind.
apostate and weak are terms that I'm using based upon how the Watchtower defines it. "truth" is another one of those little gems. I know exactly what the origin and true meaning of the term is, but I'm referring to these words in a JW context.
I never did like that label "APOSTATE" being used on those who have left the org.Apostasy is a standing away,abandoning what one has believed in,as a faith,cause or principles.The Society defines it toward one who has rejected "JEHOVAH"S ORGANIZATION".Many that leave the ORG.still have not abandoned their faith in God,hence are not apostates.Therefore speaking for myself Iam not an "APOSTATE", I am "JUST" one of many who have left an"APOSTATE ORGANIZATION".Really its the other way around my friend.Blueblades
Holding up my hand to comment!!!!!
I am an apostate !!!!THANK GOD!!!!!
"I am "JUST" one of many who have left an"APOSTATE ORGANIZATION".Really its the other way around"
Blueblades, I like the way you put that.
After all. It's true.
Left an apostate organization...
That's what the Jewish Christians did in the first century and it was not a sin in God's eyes but a necessity. And when they tried to go back to the customs and tried to enforce them on the Gentile Christians, they were slapped down. Staying with that apostate organization would mean death, especially by 70 C.E.