Iwasyoung once, Im interested and ive been studying a few books by Daryl guppy on Technical analysis but intraday trading is a bit volitile Im more interested in trading positions for a week to a month timespan. True intraday traders close there positions at the end of day. Many people make 50% return per annum on capital with short term trading.
Im going to a seminar by Daryl Guppy on tuesday 10th dec where i will be able to tune into the finer points on trading.
The most important lesson is to act on youre stop losses and every large loss was once a small loss. Barry
Posts by barry
Any daytraders or Internet Investors?
by Iwasyoungonce injust curious,.
one reason i pop on and off the internet is i trade and invest on ameritrade.
coming here is sometimes a break while i'm waiting for a stock to move.
Michelle my ex wife leaves the witnesses
by barry inive just finished talkin on the phone to michelle my ex wife she has decided she has had enough.
she has told them they all suffer from anxiety and paranoia because of the literature.
thursday night is actualy her last night and michelle has written a letter saying she is very upset about the current literature because of its manipulative nature.. michelle is not one for letting the grass grow underfoot and has already made contacts with christian life ministries a charismatic group for her new spiritual home.
Navigator Im married again so we wont be getting back together but Michelle allways tells me what she is doing with her life and sometimes she takes my advice even though she is the smart one. I Just hope the new group is good for her, I told her to find friends there that she can be comfortable with I think thats more important for now than trying to analyse every single doctrine. Barry
Should I go Decorate my old KH? GRIN>
by NaruNaruChan in.
so this morning at around 5am, my girlfriend and i were driving in north fresno and we noticed that there are two huge christmastree like trees in front of the hall, outside of the oh-so-welcoming gates... and so i got to thinking... and... hmm.... should i???
in the words of ts eliot, "do i dare disturb the universe?".
Dont forget the smurfs around the bottom of the tree to act as guards. Barry
Michelle my ex wife leaves the witnesses
by barry inive just finished talkin on the phone to michelle my ex wife she has decided she has had enough.
she has told them they all suffer from anxiety and paranoia because of the literature.
thursday night is actualy her last night and michelle has written a letter saying she is very upset about the current literature because of its manipulative nature.. michelle is not one for letting the grass grow underfoot and has already made contacts with christian life ministries a charismatic group for her new spiritual home.
Ive just finished talkin on the phone to Michelle my ex wife she has decided she has had enough. She has told them they all suffer from anxiety and paranoia because of the literature. Thursday night is actualy her last night and Michelle has written a letter saying she is very upset about the current literature because of its manipulative nature.
Michelle is not one for letting the grass grow underfoot and has already made contacts with Christian Life Ministries a charismatic group for her new spiritual home. Barry -
I Am Home From Surgery....Hooray!!!
by Robdar inmy surgery is over and i am home.
the doctor said that she has never seen anybody recover as quickly as i am.
i am sure that all your prayers and well wishes are the reason why i am doing so well.
Its good you are recovering so quick Rob but nothing too strenuous OK Love Barry
The Trinity
by meadow77 intop reasons the wts is lying about the trinity.
their translation of john 1:1 is not only a complete farce but falls apart upon closer examination of their own beliefs.
the insertion of the phrase a god, instead of god is just a clear misinterpretation.
Irongland no im not a mormon Im just saying that a christian in the 2nd century didnt have a bible as we know it he or she would have some of the bible. Does that mean things were unclear in the first centuries before the scriptures were decided apon? Well no as I said before christian doctrine was handed down from 70 ad when the christian church was thrust apon the world. What about the creeds which were a summary of christian beleif even before the scriptures were decided apon. ei the nicean creed and the apostals creed. I beleive the creed of Athanasius came after the bible. However I dont feel anyone can argue baptisimal statements which later developed into the creeds are not christian beleif.
Meadow77 there is plenty of information about the early christian church and the developement of christian beleif one good book is Christian Thought by Tony Lane a Presbyterian I have other books I cant get my hands on at the moment but some books i got about the early church from a catholic book shop has information about the developement of christian thought.
The Trinity
by meadow77 intop reasons the wts is lying about the trinity.
their translation of john 1:1 is not only a complete farce but falls apart upon closer examination of their own beliefs.
the insertion of the phrase a god, instead of god is just a clear misinterpretation.
Tradition determined which books should be included in the Bible or am I missing something here. Barry
The Trinity
by meadow77 intop reasons the wts is lying about the trinity.
their translation of john 1:1 is not only a complete farce but falls apart upon closer examination of their own beliefs.
the insertion of the phrase a god, instead of god is just a clear misinterpretation.
Irongland the tradition of the church is the first scource of christian beleif after all the bible is a product of tradition, Barry
The Trinity
by meadow77 intop reasons the wts is lying about the trinity.
their translation of john 1:1 is not only a complete farce but falls apart upon closer examination of their own beliefs.
the insertion of the phrase a god, instead of god is just a clear misinterpretation.
Argueing christian beleif from the bible only is the wrong way to go. The bible wasnt all put together as we know it until 369ad and the trinity doctrine in the nicean creed had been established about 40 years before that. The nicean creed came from the creed of ceasarea which is realy a baptisimal statement and right throughout christendom there were hundreds of these baptisimal statements all haveing the same pattern. I recall reading about a very early baptisimal statement from the 2nd century that says.' I beleive in God the father creater of the universe, and in jesus christ our lord, and in the holy spirit. In the holy catholic church and the forgiveness of sins' A statement which looks very much like the nicean creed.
In the first centuries of the church tradition was the Authority of the church the teaching handed down by the Apostals that were given to them by the Lord. Barry -
When does a christian receive the Holy Spirit?
by barry infrom the new world translation.2 corinthians 1 verse 22 he has put this seal upon us and has given us the token of what is to come that is the spirit in our hearts.
from this its saying its some future event when a christian receives the holy spirit.. my new english bible says.
who has placed his mark of ownership upon us, and who has given us the holy spirit in our hearts as the guarantee of all that he has in store for us.
Thanks everyone for all the thought you have all put into this it is very much appreciated. Barry