Be careful you will go blind Barry
Posts by barry
What is wrong with a christian maturbating?
by evangelist in.
i know many christians and leader saying that doing this is not a sin because we need a relief.. god understands us that we need this if we are single, rather than have sex comitting adultery .. what do you think about this i would like some opinions please.
by minimus inawake of 10-8-02 brings out a number of things that good christians would avoid due to god's view of how precious a gift , life is.
here's some of the things on the bullfighting, no running of the bulls,no motorcycle stuntmen, no climbing of skyscrapers without safety equipment, no steep snowboarding,bungee jumping,parachuting from airplanes with another strapped to you, no climbing ice-covered cliffs, no sky surfing,no base jumping, no rock climbing,no car-surfing,no climbing mt.
everest, no thrill-seeking.....any that do such things show contempt for the marvelous gift of life......did i forget anything else??
Sounds like good advice to me , I used to fly aeroplanes and gliders but never had any desire to step out of a perfectly good aeroplane. Barry
WT Oct 1-nothing has changed in the past 15 years
by refiners fire inwell the dubbies have me as a backcall, and like little clockwork robots they turned up exactly 2 weeks after the previous visit.
i saw them coming this week.
expected them even.
Refiner, Only 5 bucks for 3 big books Im shocked you
Refiner , dont you feel guilty about paying 5 bucks for 3 big books just buy some Sanitarium breakfast products and that will be fair compensation. Barry
Concerning Luke 24:39
by FrankRaven inwhen one talks to a witness about the resurrection why do they always say that christ came back as a spirit when christ clearly said in luke 24:39,that he did not come back as a spirit?scripture clearly says that ,"a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see i have.".
"it is not a form of religious persecution to say and.
to show that another religion is false .
The beleif that Jesus didnt have a real body is a gnostic beleif and is a beleif never taught by Christendom. Our Lord had a ressurection body. The Gnostics because of their beleif of the evil nature of matter were vegetarians. Barry
Your favorite Witness?
by larc inwho was your favorite witness?.
mine was john richards.
when i got to know him, he was an old man, and our theocratic ministry school servant.
I like Michael Jackson also the lovely lady I studied with, she put up with me through thick and thin. Barry
Silent Witness Sunday TV Australia!!!
by Jang ina reminder to all about the program "silent witness" to be screened this coming sunday morning on channel nine.
if you know anyone in australia who may have an interest in this program, please pass this information on to them.
I just heard the program advertised at the end of the channel nine news, the jws will be able to let their recorders running when they go to the meeting tomorrow. Barry
by zipporrah ini am a 22 yr old jw looking for spiritual, baptized jw's to be friends with.
are there any real jehovah's witnesses out there?
Gday Zipporrah, Im a baptised christian but not a JW im often in chat so come in and say gday. Barry
by minimus inat times we all get angry.
sometimes our anger is inappropriate, as when a parent loses control and beats their child.
there are situations that may rightfully get us angry.
The long posts with over one hundred scriptures to look up. Barry
Why are all angels in JW publications male?
by kenpodragon inwhy are all angels in jw publications male?
i was thinking about this today, as i notice other christian religions show angels as male and female.
do you think that this was another way of showing how males were superior to females in their teaching, or that their god "jehovah" was more favorable to the male appearance.
Someone has claimed that there are no women in heaven and to prove it used the text in Revelation that there was silence in heaven for half an hour. Barry
Are Born Agains qualified to help JW's?
by sleepy in.
are born agains qualified to help jw's?.
i don't think so.sorry if you are one i have nothing against you personnally, nor jw's come to think of it, but offering your version of truth to jw's is for them to jump out of the frying pan into the fire.. the bible is the root of jw problems , and following that book in which ever way you wish will always be in error..
DJ its not a thought its a fact some tongue speakers but not all think along those lines and see it even as a evidence of salvation.As you say tongue speaking whatever it is is a gift but some see it as a gift all christians should have..Barry