Is this perhaps a biblical contradiction??? [GASP!!!]
Actually, dear Elsewhere (may you have peace!), no, it is not. It occurred this way:
1. My Lord's flesh with its blood was impaled. Although this flesh also had spirit, it also had blood (note: blood AND water poured out when he died).
2. When he was laid in the tomb, his body was 'changed' into a SPIRIT, so as not to 'see corruption', whereafter, he went to the world of the dead and preached to the spirits there. That is why there was no body in the tomb.
3. He was 'raised up' a SPIRIT, which has the capability of putting on flesh, but flesh withOUT its blood, the 'blood' of which is holy spirit, the 'blood' of God. Which 'new' flesh he put on and thus was not recognized by his disciples (his previous flesh had been ravaged by sickness, as whenever he healed someone, he took THEIR 'sins'... sickness, aging... death... into HIS flesh... so that by the time they impaled him, he looked like 'death', 'afflicted by God', anyway.) Thus, he could enter through a closed door and stand in their midst.
Simple, ain't it?
how do you know that is it "holy spirit" that is compelling you? Perhaps you’ve just got gas, and that’s what you’re feeling.
Perhaps. And yet, I KNOW it, because I know what I know... and what I don't know. And I... don't know this stuff, but simply speak what I 'hear'... what is told to me, given to me, by my Lord. And HE says... it is by means of holy spirit. Now, perhaps you are not able to 'get the sense' of that, or the things I am permitted to share, because perhaps you... lack faith. Perhaps.
Dear Meomy... may you also have peace!
i would like to know how you believe one is to be born again
My Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, plants His 'seed'... His SPIRIT... in such one,
through Christ (which is why the CHRIST is called 'eternal Father', for he is the 'instrument' by means of which we ARE 'beget' of God). God... is a farmer, a 'cultivator', and He plants 'seed'. The 'tree' or 'root' of that 'seed', is Christ. Those of us IN Christ... are like branches in that tree.
Just like God put 'life' in Mary, by planting my Lord's life in her womb, so, too, my Father 'planted' us in Christ. We are 'seed' of His 'free wife', the spirit realm, Jerusalem Above, which was hidden here in the physical realm ('treasure in earthen vessels) from enemies in the spirit realm, until such time as we could be 'fertilized' (receive God's spirit)... 'conceived' (REgenerated) and 'born' (again, this time as the spirits we truly are, the 'seed' of God and His 'wife', the spirit realm).
do you think only 144,000 are
No, for ALL who are led by God's spirit are God's sons. The 144,000 are those sons who are taken from the seed of Abraham, from among the sons of Israel, 12,000 from each tribe (two for Joseph; none for Dan), in fulfillment to my Father's promise TO Abraham. It was a promised that was to initially include ALL of Abraham's seed, and ONLY Abraham's seed. But, due to that seed's rejection of their king, their 'portion' was removed... and given to people of 'every nation, tribe, tongue and people', so that there is only ONE flock... one faith, one Lord, one baptism, one God, one Spirit... ONE HOPE... and together these 'render sacred service in the temple' of God... as only priests are allowed to do.
Revelation 5:9, 10
Revelation 7:4, 9, 15
Romans 11:13, 25, 26
Thus, while the 12 were apostles and 'witnesses of [Christ] throughout all Judea and Samaria' (Jews = 2-tribe kingdom of Judah; Samaritans = 10-tribe kingdom of Israel; BOTH = Israelites), Paul... was an apostle... to the NATIONS.
Or do you believe it is an infinite number
Infinite? No, it has a number. Just not one MAN is able to determine.
how did you come to believe about adams garment not being a physical garment...
I was told this by my Lord, when he explained to me what Adam was initially made of. You see, there is this erroneous belief that we are made in God's image. We are not. We are made in ADAM's image; HE (Adam) was made in God's image. These are the 'truths' told to me BY the Truth, my Lord, the Son and Christ of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH (John 14:6).
Which truths I shared with others, who needed a 'second witness' (as they 'noble-mindedly' might need to). They discovered that the true transliteration is 'long garment of skin', which even the NWT says (it was ASSUMED to be animal skin, because, well, where else would Adam and Eve get clothes? But their nakedness was NOT a result of not having clothing on their bodies; it was their naked HEARTS and its 'uncleaness' that was 'exposed', that was 'hideous', and had to be 'covered'. Previously, their hearts were exposed... because they held nothing 'bad' IN them.
A spirit being cannot 'hide' what is 'in' him. However, a man of flesh... with its blood... can. That is why my Lord said to the Pharisees that they looked like 'whitewashed graves' but INSIDE were 'full of dead men's bones.' Thus, he rebuked them to 'cleanse the INSIDE of the cup' (purify their hearts), THEN worry about the outside of it. For God does not see what appears to the EYES... including PHYSICAL nakedness... but He sees what is in the heart.
Although it was their bodies that Adam and Eve attempted to hide... it was their hearts had become 'naked'... which is why they COULDN'T hide. And earthling man still tries to do it today. Once they sinned and were given flesh with its blood, ALL things came to be in regard to the PHYSICAL man, including the Law Covenant, for that is what Adam 'sold' us into slavery TO: the PHYSICAL realm, with its laws and boundaries. THIS flesh must eat, drink, sleep, expell waste, breath air, age, get sick, die... it MUST. It is enslaved.
John 3:19-21
However, the Christ came and GAVE UP such flesh... offered it as a sacrifice... so that we can get BACK to what God intended... what He made Adam into to begin with... flesh... with SPIRIT as its life force and not red hemoglobin. Red hemoglobin belongs to the EARTH, and thus must be and does return TO the earth. But the spirit... returns... to God.
Ecclesiastes 12:7
Do you think paradice was on earth?
It was, and will be again. Did not my Lord tell the man on the tree/stake/pole next to him that he would be with him in the Garden of Eden? (Check your NWT Ref. Bible footnote.) And doesn't New Jerusalem come 'down out of heaven'... and does not Gog and Magog, who are on EARTH... 'encircle the holy city'? Does not God intend to bring together AGAIN... 'the things in the heavens AND the things on earth'? What started out as two realms circumventable by all became, due to Adam and Eve, two separate realms, both circumventable only by spirit beings and one enslaving physical beings.
Thanks i have been trying to sort things out.
You are quite welcome. I hope I have helped; I am your servant.
I always thought the garment of skin was animal skin because he was ashamed of his nakedness because of sin.
It wasn't. He was. And unfortunately, LIKE Adam, in whose 'image' we are made, MOST of us don't GET that it ain't our flesh and its 'sin' or 'uncleanness' (sickness, aging, weaknesses, etc.) that God 'hates', but the 'sin' of our HEARTS... and ITS 'uncleanness'. That is why my Lord condemned NONE who sinned under the Law Covenant by means of their flesh, but condemned those whose HEARTS... were 'wicked'.
John 8:1-11
John 4:16-18, 27
Luke 7:36-50
Matthew 23:13-39
Matthew 15:18
Because we are sinFUL, then, our flesh and even our hearts (which is 'desperate'), we need... a 'ransom'... and a 'saviour'. If I had never sinned, or could cease ALL sin, I would need no ransom, no saviour. But because I am a sinner, indeed a foremost one... all I have is faith IN a ransom... and in a saviour. I exercise faith in God and I exercise faith in the Saviour that He provided, so that when that One speaks to me, I 'hear'... and obey.
Matthew 17:3
Hebrews 12:25
A slave of Christ,