Gday Kelpie, The JWs arent the only ones who talk about the end the Apostals thought the end would come in there day, the Catholics thought the end or second comming would occure in 1000 ad , the Ana Baptists thought they would be taken to heaven if they didnt take up arms and were slaughtered. Adventists and JWs have made dates for the end to come all have been proven wrong. The scripture in mathew is not a checklist of world events we check off to predict the end. The only sign to the end there is that the gospel is to be preached in the whole world and then the end would come. I beleive apocalyptic in the scriptures is a message of deliverance but has been used to create fear and control in people. As christians we shouldnt even fear the last judgement because the righteousness that is by faith gives us the verdict of the last judgement right now. Barry
Posts by barry
Does It Bother You Too??
by kelpie inmy sister who is still a jw called me today and was talking to me about my "situation".
i said to her that i am studing, doing research and trying to find my way and what i believe.. i said how mum said is pleading for me to go back to the meetings and i said to my sister that i cannot make up my own mind if i am at the meetings.
her reply was "the only way you can is at the meetings because that is where you get holy spirit from.".
Will You Celebrate Halloween This Year?
by minimus insome fundamentalists believe halloween is the devil's are you doing anything on halloween?
Its not big here in Australia and it sounds spooky Barry
This may be a problem for the Catholics because they say Mary was allways a virgin and that Jesus had no brothers or sisters. Barry
What was youre favourite
by barry injw book.
the aid book i thought was very good mine is on loan to my dad who is an elder in another denomination so hopefully its still of some use.
Ok Ive been hijacked carry on all by the way 69 isnt bad Beck Barry
What was youre favourite
by barry injw book.
the aid book i thought was very good mine is on loan to my dad who is an elder in another denomination so hopefully its still of some use.
JW book. The Aid book I thought was very good mine is on loan to my Dad who is an elder in another denomination so hopefully its still of some use. Barry
I went to the Mosque today
by barry inyou may have heard of the terrible tradegy and loss of life to 150 australians on the indoneasian island of bali on the 12/10/2002.
the media here has been doing overtime on these terrorists and the muslim religion.
we are used to seeing this sort of thing in other parts of the world, but so close to australian shores, our prime minister mr howard has said we will never look at the world in such a free and carefree way again and talking to people i think he is right.
The death toll has now been revised down to 103 and there is declared a day of mourning sunday. Thanks my American brother Amazing I allways like to read youre posts and I have a lot of respect for what you say. I wasnt trying to belittle what happened in the states its just what happened in the states around the world and then on our own doorstep is more than most people here can fathom.
Carmel the Soviets couldnt compete with the rest of the world economically thats why they had to change and maybe we should develope other types of energy so as to ruin the mid eastern economies and bring change there too. My idear to go to the Mosque was to engage with these people in our own communities and I will continue to do this its my way of dealing with the anger I feel at the killing of so many innocent lives, and their only crime was that they were enjoying life.Barry -
I went to the Mosque today
by barry inyou may have heard of the terrible tradegy and loss of life to 150 australians on the indoneasian island of bali on the 12/10/2002.
the media here has been doing overtime on these terrorists and the muslim religion.
we are used to seeing this sort of thing in other parts of the world, but so close to australian shores, our prime minister mr howard has said we will never look at the world in such a free and carefree way again and talking to people i think he is right.
You may have heard of the terrible tradegy and loss of life to 150 Australians on the Indoneasian Island of Bali on the 12/10/2002. The media here has been doing overtime on these terrorists and the Muslim religion. We are used to seeing this sort of thing in other parts of the world, but so close to Australian shores, our prime minister Mr Howard has said we will never look at the world in such a free and carefree way again and talking to people I think he is right. Anyway after meeting with Kelpie this morning I decided to go to the Mosque and chat to anyone there who would listen. Canberra is very multicultural but finding the Mosque was a bit hard . What symble would they use on the map and what about there customs there? I remembered a Mosque in a suburb in Yarralumla. Once I got to Yarralumla I soon found the place everyone was outside and it seemed they had finished whatever they do at Mosques, Anyway I jumped the low fence and walked over to a group of dark skinned people. There were five in the group one walked off as I approached two were in ordinary clothes,one had a guards uniform on and the other was in a type of robe and a funny white hat. They all smiled and I introduced myself as I shook there hands. I started out by talking about the terrible tragedy in Bali and how these events would effect the cohesiveness of our society. My new friends all informed me they were Indonesians themselves and they didnt like what was happening in their country.Before this event these Indonesians were planning a holiday to Bali themselves. We talked about the political system in Indonesia and I asked them if they thought their government had the will to see this through and bring the fanatical Islamic fundamentalists to justice. My new friends assured me that they now beleived there government would have the will to see this thing through. Everyone was now leaving the grounds and my friends excused themselves. As we walked across to our vehicles I commented on the design of the Mosque and if they allways put an ICBM aimed at america in their grounds. 'Oh thats a mineret', Yea Im not really that ignorant, I would like to recommend that we meet with these people express our concerns and build friendship before the bullets start flying. Barry
Christmas Aint Jesus's Birthday
by comforter injesus was not born on december 25. that is not his birthday.
why is this day observed as jesus's birthday?
because some christians thought it was fine to mingle christianity with paganism.
I once saw a film at church the Baptists made about they got the message of the gospel across to the primative natives of New Guinney by using the local traditions of the people there. Isnt that what the Christian church has done with christmas no more or no less. Barry
criticize religion
by happy man ini find this very intresting remark in an old wt , from 1957,, it qestiond follows, is it cristian to criticise other religions ?.
well the answer is very intresting, .
if the religius peopel in the cristianity is spititul whellthy, they have nothing against chritisism, .
Dear happy man, Thats a very positive outlook but may I add christians can dissagree without being dissagreeable. Barry
SALVATION?? What is it really?
by mamashel injust wondering what some of your thoughts were on this topic of salvation.
i've heard alot about it and really want to believe it, but i am having such a hard time understanding about god and jesus christ since leaving the org.
i am fed up with organized religion and am afraid to go to chuch.
Dear Mamashel, The protestant doctrine of salvation was relearned in the 16 century and is the beleif that God declaired the sinner righteous and includes justification only. It is a judicial act of God whereby He declares sinners to be just on the basis of Christs own righteousness. Our standing before God rests in the imputed righteousness of Christ, which we receive through faith alone. Sanctification is the accompanying fruit and not the root of salvation. Thats why we can say we are saved because of what Jesus has already done. But we are not saying we are perfect because sanctification is the work of a lifetimeand is imperfect. Barry