He has childhood issues: severe abuse, not related to being a witness. Becoming a witness did not occur until young adulthood, all on his own. He did not grow up in that faith. This stonewalling behavior is a direct response to how he had to cope when a child. When feeling threatened or this happens. It has just never ever happened before over religion, or me interrupting him, or correcting him, or whatever is was I did.
He will not return to counseling, but he does not have a witness objection to it. It is just too painful for him. He pays for his own grown children to go to counseling, so that is not an issue. It is his inability to open up, inability to trust, and fear of not having control of his emotions.
This is a tough tough tough situation, and I thank all of you who have given me your opinions thoughts and ideas. This place has been invaluable to me, as I did consider (half heartedly) the witnesses way of life very seriously at one time, but was never ever comfortable with much of it. I liked a few of the messages message (of no trinity, no hell), but not the method (mind numbing publications, talks, shunning, expectations, reporting your "friends").