JoinedTopics Started by wordlywife
Did I challenge my JW husband too much?
by wordlywife inin case all of you don't know, i'm married to a wonderful jw man, for a few years now.
he was reinstated ater we were married.
anyway, i have children from a previous marriage and at times disagree with my husband on discipline, how things are explained, etc.
Can someone take me through what it means to start/do a "study"?
by wordlywife inwhen i attended with my husband, (i am not jw, he is over 20 yrs.
) i was asked many times who i was studying with, are you studying, etc.
i didn't know what they meant, husband never pressures me with this kind of questioning.
Opinions on Matthew 15:21-28
by wordlywife inthis is a passage that has always bothered me, and was wondering if it bothered anyone else.
to me it sounds as though jesus thinks of some people as dogs and not deserving of anything.
maybe i have an incorrect view on this.
JW definition of disassociating yourself?
by wordlywife incan someone help me to understand what it would mean to a loyal witnes to diassociate yourself, and to the org?
having seen what happened during my husband's df, and his subsequentreinstatement, what would it mean to da yourself?
would you be treated the same as being df?
My husband's new blood papers are in the trash???
by wordlywife ini don't know what the new terminology is for the forms, but that paperwork, already signed by him (i refuse all blood, etc.
), is in the trash.
i found it while looking for some schoolwork of my daughter's.
Why is it wrong for step-daughter to go from FT Pioneer to Aux. Pioneer?
by wordlywife inhi all- i haven't posted in quite a while but visit here a lot.
i am a non-witness married to a reinstated jw.
we were married when he was df, long story.
Prince's new video-Babylon's destruction?
by wordlywife inif you are interested, you can watch it from a link off msn's entertainment sction for free.
very "end of this world" type of stuff, look like an old armegeddon publication.
i'm disappointed in the purple one.
Anyone know of a Doctor, Lawyer or other "Professional" who is JW?
by wordlywife ini was just wondering.
since college was (still is?
) discouraged, have any of you known persons of higher education to be in the organization, either by completing it while in or became jw afterwards?
Do JW really spy on people in the congregation?
by wordlywife ini have so many questions, i don't know where to start...i am new here.
do elders or any other members of a congregation actively spy on others?
is this encouraged if so?
I'm a wordling married to a JW
by wordlywife inhi all- just found this forum.
i'm married to a jw, i have never been a jw.
we got together while both still married.