Angels and Demons --Dan Brown
JoinedPosts by christopherrobin
What book are you reading now?
by ozziepost infrom time to time we like to share some good reads with each other on jwd, and now might be a good time to share with you what i'm reading this week.
it's "the gate" by francois bizot which tells of his experiences as the only western prisoner to survive the khmer rouge in cambodia.
in 1971, on a routine outing through the cambodian countryside, the young french ethnologist francois bizot is captured by the khmer rouge.
Met the Devil tonight
by czarofmischief insure, i've been having a real bad time lately, but .
i was at dave and buster's tonight, a kind of grown up video arcade / bar / restaurant in the us of a and i saw a bugger, richie [edit], tonight.
i've known him and his sister abby for years.
Wow, so how is my ex fiance ??????
Does anyone know how prayer is supposed to work?
by onintwo inis god so (pick one) blind, dumb, arrogant, confused, uninterested...that he needs to actually hear people beseech him for help before he'll actually do anything to help?.
or how about when people group together and all pray for one thing?
is it kind of like a barn raising?
Well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--It seems confusing, but I believe that if you want something, audibly asking for it affirms your need and reinforces the gap between WANTING something and HAVING something. If you were a kid, your parents would ask you ( if you weren't raised JW ) " What would you like for Christmas"?--------Your parents ALREADY KNEW what you wanted, but They wanted to HEAR it so that, at the moment you actually GOT IT, the fun of communicating it made it more exiting when you recieved it.
This analogy only works if there is an ideal situation w/ balanced spirituality (which most JW's are NOT).
It is almost like some prominent athletes who always bring spirituality into the sporting dimension. I think ----- They don't do this thinking God actually DOES something to make you prevail, it is more a case of -- "If 'I BELIEVE' something that gives my goal more than just a human element, I have a more dynamic edge because of my attatchment to something greater than myself".
That, and the fact !!!! -- sometimes it's good to talk to SOMEBODY-------even if it is an invisible spirit entity that may or may not actually intervene directly for your requests.
what a bummer
by christopherrobin inafter me and my wife divorced, she started dating and finally settled down and bought a house and swore to me that she was happy.
this was a huge boost for me, as i still cared for her and was very concerned about her state of being.
we had become inactive after the divorce but both of our lives were looking up.
After me and my wife divorced, she started dating and finally settled down and bought a house and swore to me that she was happy. This was a huge boost for me, as I still cared for her and was very concerned about her state of being. We had become inactive after the divorce but both of our lives were looking up.(financially and emotionally).
Come to find out, she sold her house and moved in w/ her parents ( who had given her serious guilt complexes through letters and phone calls (I saw the letters-- disgusting tactics to take advantage of someone who was struggling w/ bad relationships, being alone after divorce--they(parents and two brothers and wives) moved away after our divorce and her immediate wild lifesyle and inactivity freaked them out w/ juvenile methods to convince of how wrong she was ( I had moved 350 miles away to give her space and to start a new life w/ no looney connections to these freaks.)
She was raised in the org and come to find out, they convinced her to 'come back to the nest, confess her sins, got disfellowshipped, and is now going to meeting w/ mom and dad at 35 yrs. old dependent on their approval.
I tried to call her and left a message. she is my ex and I still am concerned, but my message was probably erased as 1. She is DF"d and I should'nt talk to her. ( 10 years of history together)
2. I am inactive and should'nt corrupt her effort to 'set things right w/ Jah'
My non-jw family's 1st memorial
by christopherrobin init was right before i was apponted an m.s.
i was also dating a young sis at the time and was so thrilled that my family would see the beauty of this 'spiritual paradise'.
my mom and three sisters went and my mother was clear that she would not tolerate anything to embarass me.
It was right before I was apponted an M.S. I was also dating a young sis at the time and was so thrilled that my family would see the beauty of this 'spiritual paradise'. My mom and three sisters went and my mother was clear that she would not tolerate anything to embarass me.(my sisters turn into giggle factories when they are together)--They were likely doing shots before we left (kind of like me before I finally left in the late 90's) -----"brother, we need to bring to your attention that some of the 'friends' smelled hard liquor on your breath."----Yeah, what else is new!!! My marriage sucked, the meetings were ridiculous, I was dreading going home at night, waiting for the next fight over something stupid ( will demons come in our home if you watch boxing or rated-R movies )?--Anyway @ their 1st memorial, they get the typical warm fuzzy greetings that I hope will 'lasso' them in to this org. We settle in and sing our 1st song---------ONLY----------a new bro. moved into our hall who had mental probs. ( inbreeding and drug use by mom during pregnancy )----- He Sang the 1st Song Like a Cross Between Munchkins, Stevie Nicks, and Pavarroti. THE LOUDEST, SHAKIEST, MOST OBNOXIOUS, MOST HILARIOUS SOUND I HAVE EVER HEARD !!! ( THIS COMING FROM SOMEONE WHO HAS HEARD ALOT OF DRUNKEN KARAOKE)
My sisters start chuckling, but the more they try to stifle it the louder they get. At the same time there were SERIOUS, DIE-HARD WITNESSES who were going to the back during the song to go outside because THEY could not hold THEIR cackling down! IT WAS A RIOT. ( there were elders in the lobby doubled over in laughter)
My mom is being serious (which makes my sisters more giddy)--and she starts to pinch them to tell them to behave----They were between 21 and 29 yrs. old.
The song drags on for 3 full verses and witnesses are either laughing in their seats or excusing themselves (at this point my mom is disgusted but starts to loosen up and join EVERYONE'S hilarity).
Just before prayer the song is winding down and one of my sisters looks at the sister in front of her ( who was the overweight mother of my best friend, )---and ----notices !!!-----HER DRESS WAS CRAMMED UP IN HER BUTT CRACK AND SHE WAS JUST SINGING ALONG LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW . --- She nods at my other two sisters to glance at her line of sight and RIGHT BEFORE THE PRAYER STARTS---all three are looking at this sis. with the moo-moo creeping up her large, expansive bootie ( mom notices this as well as figures "what the hell else can go wrong here"? )
During the prayer my sisters were VERY noticeable in their gigling--which again, got worse as they were scolded "NOT TO EMBARASS YOUR BROTHER" ----as my middle sister let out one very loud " HAHHH" ---loudest guffaw I ever heard.
I am sure some witnesses were disgusted at my fam's disrespect for kingdom song and approach to the ruler of the universe, but I thought it was a fun change of pace that showed that it is OK to let loose and allow certain situations to let you laugh, get silly, and disrupt the "propriety of serious occasions. "
Rutherford's Sex Life
by Leolaia inokay, so we learned in recent threads how jf rutherford was seperated from his wife from the time he took possession of the watchtower society, and how they lived apart thenceforth. quote butt-head, did rutherford ever "get any"?
did he live a purported "chaste life" that russell claimed to?
It's funny when a poster mentioned that some get off on celibacy !!!
I can't say what HIS thoughts were, but there was a time ( 6 mos) when I didn't even twiddle my dinker, because I believed that it was unclean. I have only been intimate w/ two women in my life, and, while I believe a lack of self control causes probs ( std's , unwanted pregnancies, abortion )---It is strange how their teachings cause MAJOR probs for people sexually, especially when they get married and then deal w/ life in the org. w/ all of these either being addressed, or swept under the carpet for years due to conformity and the cult-like feeling.
You'd better pioneer or else tell Jehovah why you can't !!
by Gopher inback around 1980 (i cannot remember the exact year), the speaker at the district convention said that each non-fulltime-pioneer jw should pray to jehovah and explain to him why they cannot pioneer.
if you can't come up with a reason, then you should start pioneering.. if i remember correctly, this counsel was repeated in the pages of the watchtower magazine the following year.. did anyone here respond to this "encouragement"?
i think it pushed me toward pioneering, although i didn't do it for very long.. this was a subtle but powerful guilt trip that tested your loyalty to the organization.
It's pretty nutty !!!
There was this older fellow who would pull out a 1958 WT and tell ALL witnesses that the only reason to be baptised was to be a full-time minister. There was NO excuse to not pioneer !!!!
Strange ???--He had no problem hiring illegal aliens to build his business and home ( how it passed code, I have no idea).
So, you can use illegal ones to profit from ( no taxes or documentation )-and save $$, but, a 40+ year old manual can give you the right to put a guilt trip on those that are not putting in 90+ hrs. monthly in service
Met a ex-jw last night !!!
by christopherrobin inhilarious !!!.
15 yrs.
ago i was married, a ministerial servant, giving talks, did'nt cuss, regular.
Very True HappyDad
I know I may a big ole baby...
by Country Girl in.. and it might not seem important to anyone else.
i just put the best cat in the world to sleep this morning, and i feel like a murderer.
he had cat aids, and he was so sick this last year.
Cats are good critters.
Aloof, yet fluffy and cuddly
Peace and Security
by Mystery inwalking thru the living room this morning, i heard the morning news anchorman say ?peace and security?
those words can still stop me dead in my tracks.
?armageddon was on its way!
1989---Berlin Wall came down----Witnesses were SURE the end was here !!!!!!!!!!