You betcha it did.
That Head covering thing that they made pioneers heading out in service wear always ticked me off. Oh and of course if their was even a man publisher, he got to arrange. Typical WTBTS crap. As a women, I found it totally demeaning...I mean does putting a hankerchief on your head make you less of a women?
THen there was the stigma that women had to be in submission of their husband. Total BS.
Blaming everyone sin on a woman (EVE made adam eat, or so they say)
As a girl, I always wanted to try my hand at passing the microphones, ( I know, trivial in the stream of things, but hey, it seemed important at the time)
I always got pissed off when they talked about Leviticus and how " a womens cycle" made her unclean for 7 days before and 7 days after her period. Ok that leaves about a week a month that women would be considered "clean"
It always honked me off in service whenI was freezing my butt off in a dress...while guys at least had pants covering thier legs. WTF
Plus, total condescending remarks made by elders and servents to women and to me in judicial meetings sealed the deal.
I still cant understand why these "sisters" take all their crap.
BTW: Not to mention grounds for divorcing, wearing puritanical clothing ...I could go on and on
My .02