so sorry to hear of your loss.
my condolences
so sorry to hear of your loss.
my condolences
my only living grandma is in icu right now.
apparently she had a colonoscopy about a week before thanksgiving and was released to go home.
they cut out 11 polyps, but the 12th one was too big to cut out.
Thanks for all your thoughts guys.
Double Edge: I have more boxes that havent even been mentioned in here as of yet...the s__t keeps piling deeper and deeper. Plus I am battling with myself...I just feel like going in a cave and hiding for about a year...I feel the pit getting closer and I am sitting here bawling my eyes out. When it rains, it pours.
Candi: Its nothing Im not used to by fact....its getting to the point with my immediate family (save my sis) that I am so fed up, I don't even expect them to tell me anything. The way I found out is calling everyone to wish them a happy thanksgiving...everyones answering machine came on...that was weird....I figured something was up so I just kept calling.
Ascot: Thanks for your thoughts...I feel pretty powerless in what I can do from 300 miles away. I love my grandma, but my sis thinks that she would be better off if they just let her go. Its a hard situation.
Fleur: I know you've been going through some crap with your fam. At least my moms the only one who is a JW. It makes going home not so bad, coz I get to see everyone else that doesnt give a crap about shunning.
Valis: Thanks for the flowers, theyre beautiful :)
Steph, Bona Dea, Big Tex: Thanks for your thoughts. They help me more than you can fathom.
Mouthy: Thank you so much for the prayer. I needed that. My best friend tells me all the time I should rely on Him more and let him take my yoke, because He doesn't expect me to carry it all alone. Im crying just sitting here writing this.
Life just gets too much for me sometimes.
my only living grandma is in icu right now.
apparently she had a colonoscopy about a week before thanksgiving and was released to go home.
they cut out 11 polyps, but the 12th one was too big to cut out.
my only living grandma is in icu right now. Apparently she had a colonoscopy about a week before thanksgiving and was released to go home. They cut out 11 polyps, but the 12th one was too big to cut out. They are doing a biopsy of it and my grandmas internist has told her that they have a plan to treat her...All the while, last friday she woke up to go the bathroom and was bleeding internally. By the time they got the bleeding stopped shed had lost half of the volume in her body, about 4 pints of blood :(. Thank god that she has never been a JW, or she mightve died right there.
I found all this out by an aunt of mine, not my mother. My aunt stated that mom is just too emotional to talk about it right now, and thats probably why she hadnt called. I am calling later on to find out whats going on.
Im sure that my mom thought about the blood pumping through her mothers veins and freaked out?
Very weird, since I called out to my moms house, little bro answered the phone and said nothing about anyone (or maybe hes just being a good jw and not telling me anything).
All this....and finals coming up in school....babys birthday in 3 weeks and christmas in 4. Im not going to say "Can anything else go on?" coz it probably will.
Keep my grandma in your thoughts and prayers....shes a wonderful, smart woman and the world will be a much crappier place if things go wrong.
My favorite are the "addicts" choir! LOL
im finally ready to tell everyone what my addiction is.
please be kind i have just started with this trouble and maybe a 12-step program will help.
my name is melbatoast and i am addicted to ebay.
LOL! Gill, the stuff I am purchasing is for my baby, so the addiction is not bad....I got a beautiful xmas dress for her for about 6 bucks.....and yesterday I made the BIG score on a baby trend high chair for 30 bucks...with shipping, it was 55....its a real steal coz it has 6 reclinable position and is foldable, its over 200 dollars new.
Im going cold turkey today.
CW..I did my ebay victory dance by getting jiggy with the hubby last night! Seems to help the shakes.
The first step is admitting I have a problem- BTW- selling my old crap i have sitting around is part of my obsession as well! just a little busy with school and all.
im finally ready to tell everyone what my addiction is.
please be kind i have just started with this trouble and maybe a 12-step program will help.
my name is melbatoast and i am addicted to ebay.
A crash! Shamus! Bite your tongue.
XW, I have already started actually has the opposite effect...I want to spend more!
Oh well, gues I'll have to move to the harder stuff. Oh well, maybe it will help my glaucoma.
im finally ready to tell everyone what my addiction is.
please be kind i have just started with this trouble and maybe a 12-step program will help.
my name is melbatoast and i am addicted to ebay.
Im finally ready to tell everyone what my addiction is. Please be kind I have just started with this trouble and maybe a 12-step program will help.
Okay, here goes.
My name is MelbaToast and I am addicted to ebay.
Just the pure plethera of stuff on that site is enough to make me CRAZY!!!!!
Today on ebay, I found a new baby chair (auctions up tomorrow, Im bluffing this other bidder so the price wont go up) Ordered 2 new ink cartridges for my printer (paid so little for them I wont be really mad if they dont work)- and found the worlds most perfect Christmas dress for my baby....all for about $25.00! I realize I have to be careful of what I Im sticking with the cheap stuff.
Also to be known: Im addicted to this site too.
Anybody know some good drugs for withdrawl for these two sites? Any help you could give to a person in need would greatly be appreciated. Thanks for your concern.
just a friendly hi how are you to everyone.
hope you had a good turkey day.. my best friend brought me over this sweet potato casserole that has a brown sugar pecan topping on it that is to die for!
what goodies are you snacking on tonight?.
yum. everything sounds good, and I am so happy for you Golf, that you can be with your witness family. That must be nice.
Thank you bebu, Ive seen pictures of your bugs too and they are precious. Especially the avatar pic...little angels. Hannah makes everyday worth living to me just to see her smiles.
Well, Im off the hook until a week before Xmas, my daughters 1st birthday, and we will be having a great big shindig then, and of course christmas. This is going to be so cool, I cant wait to see her face when I start hanging up all the lights...she has saw a couple of houses really decked out and she screeches with delight.
I love having christmas and birthdays so close June we also have a "party week" my b-day is on the 13th, our anniversary is on the 15, and DH's b-day is on the 17th.
The holidays rock!
lets just spare a thought for the tiny tots and older kids who won't be enjoying any christmas festivities this year.
no parties, no presents, no santa, no fun, no carols no anything.
it's a damned shame that kids miss out so much.
Psst...wanna hear something a little strange: my mom has started a "presents day". Thats right, two time a year they wrapup presents for eachother and exchange em. What a crock! I never had that growing up...but my mom is way soft, compared to when I was growing up...I'm still waiting for my presents.
I remember each year going to my uncles house and it being all decorated for christmas and secretly wishing I could just stay there until christmas day! He had the best garlands for the tree: Lifesavers, a new one each year.
Now its my turn. I get to enjoy christmas with my family. We'll wake up Christmas morning with our kahlua and coffee and watch the baby tear into some boxes. I cant wait
just a friendly hi how are you to everyone.
hope you had a good turkey day.. my best friend brought me over this sweet potato casserole that has a brown sugar pecan topping on it that is to die for!
what goodies are you snacking on tonight?.
Just a friendly hi How are you to everyone. Hope you had a good Turkey day.
My best friend brought me over this sweet potato casserole that has a brown sugar pecan topping on it that is to DIE for! What goodies are you snacking on tonight?
My little Hannahbear sat in her high chair for 3 quarters of a football game and would give people "the look" if they got in between her and the tv. LOL. Th Colts scored a TD and bot her hands went up in the air. Just a good day, with no bickering, and a good time by all.
Hope everyones Thanksgiving was a good one. *Sigh* now its back to homework for me.....