My nephew, age 2 1/2, has been diagnosed with this developmental problem and I was just reading the thread about the man who can caount 100 decimal places in his head.
He currently sees a team of developmental psychologists, referred by his pediatrician, and has been doing quite well in his communication problems. He is learning sign language and has been signing more than talking for the past 3 months.....doing quite well.
I think my sister is a little spooked because of the comparisons between her two sons and their cognitive development differences (The older son was a blabber mouth at 18 months and at age 16, still wont be quiet...whereas the 2 yr old hardly ever talks, but recognizes and organizes all shapes, letters, numbers, etc.....he is very smart.
As I dont know much about the whole syndrome, and I know there are ppl on this board that have experience with this delay, I would be thrilled with any information I could offer my sister to calm her down about this.
Thanks in advance, MelbaToast