It has been well established here that the vast majority of participants on this forum are in full support of the silentlamb cause.
Under his control and direction he is handling a very sensative issue and probably the most potentially damaging public relations disaster that the WT has evry had, not to mention the invariable lawsuits to come.
Having said that, bill as the representative of that cause, i believe has a responsibility to those ones he speaks for, and it certainly could be argued ( to a lesser degree ), to those that actively follow and subscibe to his agenda.
Most political and religious organisations have people employed inhouse that work to the benefit of their vision called advisors.
I believe bills number one advisors consist of those mature ones in this forum.
My humble view is that the letter he has sent regarding the GB member and pedo acts, works to his detrement because he is currently propagating a war with the WT mainly via the use of the media.
Taking into account all possible outcomes of that recent letter, i believe the most probable OVERALL effect he will elicit within the JW community and their management will be a portrayal of him as an angry, evil apostate at worst, a loose cannon at best. In any event it does not help his aim, UNLESS this was a mitigation action, because then in is inherent that evidence will be brought forward before a mediator and the laws of the land will be fullfilled.
Isnt that sort of one of the points here, that the law and judicial system of the land should be involved with such accusations ???
What is he thinking when he invites active elders to that judicial meeting ??? Knowing the way the WT operates does he expect to, AT THIS EARLY STAGE for that tactic to be effective ??? If not he has forgone or abated the eficacy of that good opportunity and supprise factor he would have had latter when his cases against the GB members was better established ! An ultimate wild card methinks he would have had !
See it has so much less to do with his rights, or as you state " truth " where there is no law, as much as it has to do with the most effective campain he can muster and co-ordinate to expose them for whom they are, hence reforming their policy / position on the matter ( which BTW has already begun and been improved on, thanks to his well crafted display of the propaganda we have already witnessed ) so that the CHILDREN will have a lesser probability of abuse possibilities.
As he has mention himself, he does not want to bring down the religion or start a new one. Therefore my humble advise to him, offered in a spirit of support, is that it may be time for serious mitigation, not self indulgent mud slinging.