Hillo hapy man
Youz hav big one falaci to do in you argumentation.
Im nut teazz yu here one, butt releight beter one for him is yu.
Muhamad sayes, loyulti and othar singz diferent bludy, compair no gud
i confuze yu specific questsion maik
at bokstudy yesterday , we talk of the diffrent things gb say, and who we must stand to this.. i tell that they are only peopel and have make some misstaks, as we can se , fore exampel in the proclaimers book, well the study leader say, we must shoe loyality to the gb, even iif it later show upp to bee wrong, it is very importat that we follow what they say.. this is a ver difficult area, ofcourse in our religion we can not have 6 million diffretn wuies, but if we follow evry word very carefull, are we then not follow man?.
what about if they say something who take your life, and later change this, who is responsibel, or even worse our kidds, who are resposibel if they die on such polyci, like the transplantaision prohibition, we have fore some time, are we fore exampel personaly responsibel fore our akts, when the day is here, or can we say, we only follow what the gb say.. this is a very tricky qestion who i think about a lot
Hillo hapy man
Youz hav big one falaci to do in you argumentation.
Im nut teazz yu here one, butt releight beter one for him is yu.
Muhamad sayes, loyulti and othar singz diferent bludy, compair no gud
i confuze yu specific questsion maik
does there come a point in a nasty argument when an intelligent person realizes there is no good to be acomplished, only hurt?
does it show weakness or strength to stop a ping-pong-ball of insult trading?.
is there ever a time when walking away and letting your opponent have the last word is really the winning position?.
G'Day wazza
I enjoy a good argument. I can learn more from a hot and heated exchange than from reading an inspired but monotonal essay ( evan one of farks plagiarised rippers ! )
When you are within a hot verbal intercourse session, you think deeper and express yourself more naturally ( that is to say your natural self is expressed ), it makes for good entertainment and learning, when it is within the rules for such a thing.
you post a link about me??
well get out here and post the story, give us a rundown on the saga.
cmon dude.
i should stay outa this and watch from my pigeon hole.....
I will always support the aussies, always first, especially the okers which RF seems to be, but bloody " Jan the crag " ( no not cag ! ) is on the case, as as usuall seems to be 92.67 % correct.
Bugger, how do we get outa this one mate ???
Do we ask for time off for good behavior ??
SIDE POINT : Dear Mr Moe, no one enjoys a good sling match as i do, which i encourage you to propagate, but before you participate you gotta have something to say that adds charm to the
... there i was self-centered in the forest, up to my elbows in cement mortar, trying to build a stone wall by wrestling order from the chaos of crooked rocks strewn about me, when a strange car comes loping down the track toward me.
bro sugarbag: ""yes, the bible says ... .
unc: "sorry, i'd rather not talk about religion today" .
uncle flippin buck !
Bro sugarbag : " thats a nice rock "
There is no doubt here, that to anyone that knows anything about this scenario, thats the shit hottest most bloody laugh extorting singularity of any form, ever posted on the internet .
Your innate wit brings much pleasure to this tired old aching heart of mine.
Count me in for support to the bring back Rev Hollingworth movement.
you worry me, honest ya do.
in my "encouragement to englishman thread" you typed to ballistic: "it is enough for the members of this board to know that i am a long time lurker on this board.
i was one of the much hated class of moderators on old h20 before, during and after its slow death.
Dearest unc
If memory serves me without deception, methinks that 105 mongrel is that bloody bunyip rootin bloke from Tasi wasnt he?
No actually it coulda be that fungal wallaby lookalike fuker from mount druitt that did 3 to 5 for public masterbation at penrith mall ?
In any event mate im backin ya, whatever the rumble's about.
So 105 i want to bring you up on charges as well, for ummm...bloody sent'nce fuk'n.
Word nazi SOB
P.S ( Oh no unc 105 is flippin Kismet, and that priks connected.....were gone mate...bolt to the dunnies and shit yerself
any of you evolutionists ever crunch the numbers?
Damb expat that is a great link you posted, thanks heaps. Just the same locig pattern i have i love it.
BTW Jan is right again, ( except for his first sentence IMO ), re read his post carefully.
Quity simply, inferences cannot be drawn if you are concerned for accuracy in this matter. The issue is bluffed by statistics, go a step back.
my humble 2 bobs worth
may you have peace!
i have been directed by my lord to say to you: .
while in truth, there is no "law" for you to follow, your "desire" to "do just so" according to law can be fulfilled in you sending a copy of your letter to all branches of the wtbts, certified, return receipt requested.
It has been well established here that the vast majority of participants on this forum are in full support of the silentlamb cause.
Under his control and direction he is handling a very sensative issue and probably the most potentially damaging public relations disaster that the WT has evry had, not to mention the invariable lawsuits to come.
Having said that, bill as the representative of that cause, i believe has a responsibility to those ones he speaks for, and it certainly could be argued ( to a lesser degree ), to those that actively follow and subscibe to his agenda.
Most political and religious organisations have people employed inhouse that work to the benefit of their vision called advisors.
I believe bills number one advisors consist of those mature ones in this forum.
My humble view is that the letter he has sent regarding the GB member and pedo acts, works to his detrement because he is currently propagating a war with the WT mainly via the use of the media.
Taking into account all possible outcomes of that recent letter, i believe the most probable OVERALL effect he will elicit within the JW community and their management will be a portrayal of him as an angry, evil apostate at worst, a loose cannon at best. In any event it does not help his aim, UNLESS this was a mitigation action, because then in is inherent that evidence will be brought forward before a mediator and the laws of the land will be fullfilled.
Isnt that sort of one of the points here, that the law and judicial system of the land should be involved with such accusations ???
What is he thinking when he invites active elders to that judicial meeting ??? Knowing the way the WT operates does he expect to, AT THIS EARLY STAGE for that tactic to be effective ??? If not he has forgone or abated the eficacy of that good opportunity and supprise factor he would have had latter when his cases against the GB members was better established ! An ultimate wild card methinks he would have had !
See it has so much less to do with his rights, or as you state " truth " where there is no law, as much as it has to do with the most effective campain he can muster and co-ordinate to expose them for whom they are, hence reforming their policy / position on the matter ( which BTW has already begun and been improved on, thanks to his well crafted display of the propaganda we have already witnessed ) so that the CHILDREN will have a lesser probability of abuse possibilities.
As he has mention himself, he does not want to bring down the religion or start a new one. Therefore my humble advise to him, offered in a spirit of support, is that it may be time for serious mitigation, not self indulgent mud slinging.
for witnesses who are currently going to the meetings, or anyone really for that matter, who may have friends still going i have a question:.
what are the active witnesses saying about the molesting issue that has come quite apparent lately?
At yesterdays servo meeting we had a letter read to us from the GB.
I believe it was read to all congregations in australia.
Essentially it recognised the sunday program. The brother went on to say that
" we know the organisation is clean, but in response to the sunday program, we should expect to face this issue now in the field. To answer these ones we must point out that the society's position on this matter has ALWAYS been ( mentioned an ' 88 watchtower ) the same, that is that we abhore these type of yada yada, those that confess, those that are found guilty of yada yada, will never have positions yada... ALL REPORTED CASES of child sexual abuse is and has been ALWAYS REPORTED to the authorities ( and so bloody quickly then said ... ) where it is required by law "
He went on awkwardly for about 5 minutes, and almost everyone was making notes of the scriptures he was mentioning and WT articles he was referencing to. Extreamly without emotion or any teaching decorum at all.
His initial aim was to give us some info that we could use to answer those that would raise ths issue in the field. He really failed there. He just wanted to get it over with it looked like.
What is obviously missing there, methinks is that he is there giving us lack of info to answer others, but it is more US, his audiance, the witnesses, that will be asking the hard questons of him and others that represent the org. The "worldly ones " dont really give a toss i have noted.
There has been open discussion of the issue to my suprise. Both at the halls and at social gatherings. Most people are reasoning through it discounting it as media / apostate slander. Having said that though, all agree that the kids need protecting at any cost.
I was a fly on the wall last sat at a party cum piss up, where the subject came up and a sister was trying to explain to the rest of the group how this new wave of pedo accusations had evolved from. Apparently an elder from the UK who was molested when he was a kid couldnt get any empathy from whom he had approached for consolation, so the proverbial bust and here we are......sad really, all those hearing this were nodding, well there ya go ...how dangerous a little info can be huh....
It will easily blow over
WOW it went over most peoples head !!
Anyhum, EMAN did i prove my point to you here ????
Not that there is anything wrong with that