I think that is very true. Besides it is not even scriptual!!
i have a theory that i would like to bounce off some of you.. jw's are undoubtedly the most aggressive recruiting organization.
in the world.
they spend over 1 billion hours per year going door.
I think that is very true. Besides it is not even scriptual!!
just had dinner with my wife and a couple of her friends.. one of them was telling me about her sister-in-law, a very nice, kind person who i've met on several occasions.
it seems this sister got a job in an office as a receptionist/secretary.
last christmas (1999) her employer asked her to sign christmas cards for all the clients.
The Great Debate
A wise man once told me'
Never argue/debate with an idiot.
Someone else might hear the debate
and not realize which one is the idiot.
Let us not assoc. with bad association.
Let us not cast our pearls before.......
Let us continue to love and support each other
Let us not forsake meeting together here
IMHO that is how my conscience feels!!!
is there any denial that at 1 kings 7:23, the value of pi is ascertained as 3.000?.
and where does this leave the idea that the bible is inspired in every word, jot, and tittle by god?
just wondering.. any takers?.
I feel there is a need to get the "facts" correct.
Check out the link http://www.cs.ruu.nl/wais/html/na-dir/skeptic-faq.html
which is the skeptics science site. It will explain what a "theory" is, what
a "fact" is and about a "hypothesis". I incorrectly used to state that the
evolution idea was ONLY a "Theory" as if that meant it was only some
educated guess. I was wrong. I hear and read so much incorrect (BS)
information that people use to defend/attack various positions I started
to research almost anything I hear/read, except for the fabulous humor
on various threads.
This was my problem when I was part of the "organ", too lazy to check
it out for my self. Also check out the search term "fallacy FAQs", also
urbanlegend.com. Truth is out there and probably is a life time search.
enoy yourn journey,
best to all
you need some history to understand what i have to tell.
i have two grown sons.
son1 is single and a staunch jw whose goal for years has been to go to bethel and to become a missionary.
Beautiful family and beautiful stroy.
I realyy liked your closing line, still chuckling
Millions now living will see it happen.
thanks for sharing that with us.
Great Thread Today,
Hi to all. As for myself, maybe as for others, it wasn't
until a crisis came into my life that I realized that the
WT answer just could not be true. Then I started thinking
for myself instead of being very "intellectual lazy". Yes
is very seductive to relie on others when those others
are "absolutely convinced" that they have "the truth".
This must be a very typical human (failing) characterisc
which would explain so many "group" activities IMO.
The Univeralist Church is interesting from what little I
have learned in that it seems they say they are searching
for Truth and respect everyone's path. It just might be
a life long journey with some stops, sudden bursts and
maybe wondering about that "road not taken.
Lately I have been reading "Science and Earth History
by A Strahler avail from Amazon discussing fallacies in the
"creationists" thinking and evidence. also the following
link http://home.online.no/~jansh/wteng/godorg1.htm
has a wonderful article/argument on "Does God work
thru an organization". Greta food for thought.
Also huge thanks to all for your kind, insightful comments.
Not used to having to think for myself but this and other
threads here atn this board are doin a lot of people a
great serivce. I feel that a great board is shown by
"utilizing the greastest command 'to love'".
my dad asked the co about this one.
mat 27:52-53. and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, .
and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
I was at a D.C. one summer when "Bros Ray"
was giving the prayer before lunch break.
After 15 minutes my 4 year old looked up at
me and said "boy i bet they have a lot of
cold food at their house". 20 years ago and
I still chuckle.
cheers and keep the humor flowing
...or did you shred the shit out of em so even the garbage man wouldnt become accidentally sucked into this cult like i did?
during the time i read crisis of conscience i went into a two week long rage.
i was angry all the time for being duped and i hated every witness on the planet, mostly for being as stupid as i was, and the upper echelon at the society...i just wanted to castrate them.
Go girl go,
Brain Drain. You are correct when you say the WT is losing
its best, also most courageous. I see this with nearly post
I read, ('cept Fred & Co). So much insight, research and
what great humor!!!!!!. Even the single line comments carry
a message.
big boys don't cry!
well that's what we are told anyway!
and i guess this convention is widespread in many cultures.
Hi somebody,
i am a 54yo "boy" who has been crying a lot the last five
years, mainly due to wife being unable to "forgive" and to
say "i love you". it all became a business relationship.
she is still "strong" in "the truth" where by a whispering
campagain i am considered "bad ASSociation. such love!
esp. when i put heart soul and my entire being to work
whole soled for J. i am getting better but it has taken
a serious effort.
men/boys do need "time alone" (see Men are from Mars)
and maybe since he could expect/forsee his Dad's death
he had resloved that issue in advance. Getting fired from
a job is a huge assault on one's very basic ID as a person.
i do not feel it is possible to change another, just tell him
you love him and be there for him. as i have said before
when the student is ready the teacher appears.
love to all, i often almost start to cry when i read some of
the heartfelt posts, maybe when i go to bed tonite.
where was the "organization" when "Israel" split into two
kingdoms (the 2 tribe and ten tribe kingdoms) ?
well, which is it guys?.
are you filled with anger at the wbts or just sad that things aren't what you though they were?.
i'm very sad that my parents won't talk with my sister (da'd) or my brother (df'd) even though the society's own web-site says that such actions do not sever family ties.
Hi Zev,
Your story sounds very similar to mine. Pro help
probably saved my life. I learned that there is
no "one absolute truth". My wife had her version
and I needed to learn to develop mine. Much
hard work. Wish I had found this DB much earlier.
OH well. I have also learned that
"when the student is ready the teacher appears".