It's good to read a women's POV - my exit concerns were somewhat different (for example I wasn't worried at all by the gossip - I kinda liked the stir!)
Posts by Qcmbr
"I Was a Good Mormon Wife...Until My Husband Stopped Believing in God"
by dontplaceliterature infor those of you with spouses still in, this may strike a chord.
i found the article on reddit/r/atheism.
i couldnt believe that.
Should I attend a JW funeral?
by Flat_Accent ini mean, i had respect for the guy, and it's obviously right to be there for the family and show support.
however, i can imagine what it will be like going back.
i was friendly with a lot of the older, tougher sisters, so i'm sure they'll get on my case.
Go and show respect and support for family IMO. What we do defines us. Don't let yourself be defined by JWs potential actions.
Why Do Former Atheist Scholars Turn Deist Or Theist?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inatheist becomes theistexclusive interview with former atheist antony flew. .
what changed in anthony flew's mind that moved him into thinking there might be a god?
People's brains rewire all the time. We are not who we were yesterday. It is entirely possible to find a reweighting of evidences as we change such that conclusions become less fixed. 5 year old Qcmbr was convinced of Santa but gradually the evidence for Santa ( for example I'd heard sleigh bells on the roof one Christmas morning ) faded and was replaced with new evidence. Flew obviously found some information that convinced his elderly brain.
As an atheist I am more than happy to be wrong. There are no metaphysical rewards for disbelief, no nirvana awaits me. If a superior being shows up I'll be amazed but I won't be unhappy ( unless they are murdering scumbag overlords) and I'll simply adjust my worldview in the light of new facts. Im not simply against religion I'm actually really against faith and religions lack of evidence. Who knows where I'll be tomorrow.
by NewChapter ini hear americans called yanks---and it never even made me blink an eye.
so i'm not sure---and almost used the term brits a minute ago and edited to say british people.
so tell me----is it offensive?
Need you ask? I have the decency to fully attach my deerstalker under the chin and stand with a delicate air.
by NewChapter ini hear americans called yanks---and it never even made me blink an eye.
so i'm not sure---and almost used the term brits a minute ago and edited to say british people.
so tell me----is it offensive?
by NewChapter ini hear americans called yanks---and it never even made me blink an eye.
so i'm not sure---and almost used the term brits a minute ago and edited to say british people.
so tell me----is it offensive?
Just to clarify - I was born in Rhodesia. My lineage is 25% Dutch, 25% Welsh and 50 % English and I've married a Welsh lady... this may help , probably not.
by NewChapter ini hear americans called yanks---and it never even made me blink an eye.
so i'm not sure---and almost used the term brits a minute ago and edited to say british people.
so tell me----is it offensive?
I am utterly guilty of refering to the UK as England, I also have a gut feeling of frustration that Scotland, Wales and Ireland(!) aren't pleased to be associated with the English. I have an automatic subroutine that makes me feel puzzled when Welsh or Scottish people are chuffed when English teams get beaten or revel in a mild form of English hatred. I know the history of English oppression but don't see how that is relevant today (I don't have any bitter feelings against the Italians for their invasions of yore.)
I'm not saying I don't understand the antipathy I'm just saying I don't empathise with it - don't feel it in my gut. Funny how we are wired and culturally composed!
In my mind I'm standing in tweed and stockings looking with an arched eyebrow and a small smirk swinging a golf club saying , " I thought that was all in the past chaps and we're all in the same boat now. Fancy a pims ? Pip pip tally ho." Which of course , once verbalised presses all the Celtic buttons I'm sure. hehe.
by NewChapter ini hear americans called yanks---and it never even made me blink an eye.
so i'm not sure---and almost used the term brits a minute ago and edited to say british people.
so tell me----is it offensive?
proud Brit.
Any conspiracy theories you're convinced has some truth to it?
by MC RubberMallet ini do.. 1) new world order.
2) weapons testing.
3) surveillance, espionage, and intelligence agencies.
I work from the basic assumption that everyone lies whenever they see a personal benefit and feel they can get away with it. I also assume that anyone with power over another person be it financial or physical will exploit that relationship to maximise their benefit. This I believe drives patriarchal society's misuse of women. There are a few individuals who go against the grain. Very few.
Quick test: You stumble upon a bank robbery in progress. The vault is open, there are no cameras and you know that the robbers are currently elsewhere. You have ten minutes and a door to a deserted part of town is next to you. The bank vault is full of used bank notes. There are millions of dollars available. Do you take money? The bank is currently undergoing investigation for massive fraud and has been cited as the most corrupt bank in the country. Now do you take the money? You were recently defrauded by this bank. Now?
Using the assumption that corruption occurs where possible (check number of affairs, thefts, corporate scandals etc.) and then ask yourself how often the governmnet hides information from its citizens. Ask yourself if politicians are honest or whether they are skilled in the art of saying dishonest things (especially when it comes to promises or statements on their opponents records.)
The assumption I have is that conspiracies happen regularly. I think we invaded Iraq on a massive conspiracy (my friend left the army because a year before the invasion he watched them paint battletanks in desert colours.) I think Hitler became leader after conspiracy (Reichstag fire). I think certain groups within the US government cut deals with Taliban leaders or drug cartels to get information or influence. I think the normal mode of operation in government is to act in secret and present a different story to the public.
1 - Moon landings - while something definately went there I am less convinced by the photos. They seem staged in the extreme. Some seem impossible for a chest mounted camera without viewfinder and operated by gloved hands. Some things seem very odd (one astronaught dropped a picture of his family onto a well lit area of the moon surface - I'll explain why that's suspicious if anyone wants to know). The lunar lander doesn't seem to have the requiste power to lift the ascent module back into orbit and I'm not certain how the moon mounted camera was able to track upwards as it ascended. It would be odd if the US govt. was totally open about what was largely a military project at the height of the cold war. I also suspect it wouldn't have wanted to show shoddy pictures.
2 - Financial - I think corrupt people are taking money all the time. Our labour is constantly being stolen. The banks current situation is a prime example (they should not be getting our future tax money as a forced investment.)
Conclusive evidence of a Grand Designer
by sizemik insome of you have no doubt seen this before .
interestingly, ray comfort is an ex-pat kiwi lol.
i used to see him here in christchurch nz .
Its not just the hand it fits...