Oddly enough he does dance to your tune though AG. All gods always have a knack of rising to meet the needs of their spokespeople but no more, speak with the intellect of their prophets but no greater and reveal knowledge somehow limited by the imagination of the mystic. These gods speak as grandiosely as the personal egos of the mediums dare and all fall utterly silent once the 'servant' passes on. No one will talk of your dragons and leprous Christs when you leave and your particular brand of divinity oddly stops existing at the moment you do. Thus it has been with every god no matter how many temples, pyramids or slaves groaned under the whip to build monuments to them there were. Your god would not be recognised by any Christian group save the one you gather now and mercifully none of them are yet seeing dragons.
Tec - this is the pride I talk about. Faith allows a person to demand an absolute stonewall. My way or the highway. Any doubt or admission of making a faith mistake is a disaster to the ego that supports the delusion. Admitting a theological failing is the thread that unravels the whole so it cannot be allowed. Just as a flaw in a mathematical theory will break it so does any failure in a reported divine world. This is where pride comes in and one reason why these conversations are tense, no ground can be admitted by the faithful. In the battle if ideas the faith position, found devoid of material evidence, will twist and turn avoiding fatal blows with, 'that's not my god' or 'you just don't understand' and will retreat with the never fulfilled threat that one day the non faithful will 'see' to their fear and trembling. Mormons do it, JWs do it and all brands of Abrahamic religions do it. The battle was unwinable the moment some human imagined a magical being in the heavens and worshipped fire or a tree and yet the hordes of the faithful are still arguing for ghosts and ghouls but this time it's winged gargoyles and blood sacrificing super humans, the sophistication grows but the underlying reality is the same.